
Yeah, that's all true. I actually have felt this way about Ms. Mock for a while now, though, and I was speaking more generally than just this video. Don't get me wrong - I admire her and I think she makes some really great points in this video and in her other work. But she also sometimes seems to get offended when

Thank you. I sometimes feel like Janet is saying "I am an advocate and a spokesperson for trans women" and "don't ask me about my transgenderism" at the same time. Now, I think that questions about her genitalia and womanhood are completely inappropriate, and terminology such as "used to be a boy" is wildly offensive

You forgot "token female character." ("whose existence motivates the male characters.")

I know someone who named her baby Otis. She had already bandied it about, and then when she got to the hospital and got into the Otis elevator, some asshole kid pushed ALL the buttons so she had to stop on like 12 different floors while she was in labor. It was a pro-Otis sign.

I happen to know a kick-ass seven-year-old named Otis. It is an awesome name! But I hope it doesn't get trendy.

Here is a dumb question: why can't they figure out where the box originated and return the kittens to their mama?

Wait, this is extremely important. Are we talking about Jelly Beans here, or Jelly Bellies?

THANK YOU LINDY! I have seen this stupid video posted everywhere and haven't brought myself to watch it. I knew it was going to be moms. So predictable and manipulative and dumb.

I think my online life would be enriched if more ladies did this type of red carpet posing.

I kind of feel this way about Leo DiCaprio.

I literally read this headline two times completely wrong (on two separate visits to Jez) before I got it right. The first time I thought it said "Giant rants are taking over the planet" and I thought it was about how people love ranting on the internet. So I scrolled past.

I was hoping the story would have her name so I would know whether I know her.

Brochach! Bitch, do not cause a scene at Brochach.

I am heartsick about this. The timeline is confusing though. If her last day at school was March 5, then the last confirmed sighting of her couldn't have been March 1, right?

And then talks about it as if he did nothing wrong.

Well, that is super terrifying. I guess I am naive, because I would assume that with so many other people around you would be somewhat safer from this sort of thing.

I do not understand how this psychopath could punch her 7 times (including her falling and getting back up again) with NO ONE else in the club intervening.

Well he should've at least been cited for littering, amirite?

Oh come on. You can just "do all the stuff" in the morning! So easy!

Waitaminute. Lena Headey - aka Mama Connor - is in Game of Thrones? Man, I gotta find a way to watch this show I guess. It is a huge pop culture blind spot in my life.