
Is that Mo Tancharoen in that crew???

Help, I am thinking about impulse-purchasing one!

Help, I am thinking about impulse-purchasing one!

Yes this is terrifying and would have been epically bad if they had been launched, but they didn’t even leave the ground, so not sure where the “back on the ground” part comes in.

Thanks. I live in WI and this controversy has been really big lately, and I don’t really get why it’s so urgent (not a big Bucks/basketball fan, but trying to understand a local political issue). So your response is helpful.

The old arena is 27 years old? That doesn’t seem that old — is it in terrible shape, or what?

Wait, what?

My dad (little guy on the right), together with his brother and dad (and his crow friend Shadrack).

Why haven’t I been following Yoko Ono on twitter until just now?

Taylor is hella talented in so many ways, but I just really want her to go to lyric-writing school.

This looks really awesome! I hope it passes the Bechdel Test.


He's also won a couple of Emmys for writing and producing Game Change (that miniseries about John McCain and Sarah Palin).

I've never had an opinion about Christopher Plummer until this moment. I heartily like him.

I think all of her things are extremely reasonable and smart and not stifling, if interpreted as general for game developers. It doesn't mean that there can NEVER be a sexy lady villain or a damsel-y girl. It just means that more games in general need to account for these concerns, and that developers need to actually

yeah, but doesn't Blue Ivy's expression kind of say "BITCH STEP OFF"?

This trailer seems to be for folks who already know the story. Maybe the next one will appeal more to people who are not well-versed in the comics.


you forgot to mention Marti Noxon's most important credit. #buffy

I covet them hard. They are not jellies, but Altuzarra Cocco shoes, also available in blue. I coveted them so hard I tracked them down (not available for sale yet, and probably about $1,000 when they are).

There is a third type of person reading, who doesn't have opinions about cleanses but loves soup and would be interested in a short-term soup-only diet.