
Non sequitur alert! Michelle Trachtenberg and Seth Green were both on Buffy but they did not overlap. Is that right?

I probably would change mine to Avery. I just like it. Or Marjorie to honor my grandma, but that seems presumptuous of me (and probably weird).

Maybe! My mind is a twisty place filled with mysterious connections....

It is deeply confusing to me to hear the name Bruce Jenner in relation to Olympic athletics. In my head, he is connected with Kim K and hotels somehow. Is that right?

Much like the death of Marius yesterday morning, I believe the word "Kismetly" will ruin my entire day today.

yeah I stared at it a long time and I was thinking something along the lines of "I really hope Mindy doesn't need a coke nail."

Well I generally find this type of photography distasteful no matter the attractiveness level (and I typically find most people to be beautiful in some ways). But I do remember a while back that someone did exactly this with models. Except the plastic surgeons decided what they would change instead of the subjects.

I have never watched this show (and I kind of wish everyone would just stop watching so it gets canceled), but I juts watched that clip. It made me feel HORRIBLE. This man is manipulative, controlling, egotistical, and misogynist. I would be extremely surprised if he wasn't physically abusive in addition to being

I can see why you would be curious about what happened. Obviously you should feel the way you feel. But personally, I am seeing the benefits of just letting stuff go and not holding on to petty* offences, and I want to share the joy of that approach.

I don't know. If I were you, I would just forget it and happily reconnect with her. There are a million reasons why she might have defriended you on Facebook that are definitely not personal. My roommate recently reconnected with an old coworker whom she had recently defriended because they fell out of touch. They

Well yeah! I mean, I think it's clear that in the end she is safe and will shortly be picked up and brought home. But I wanted to see it!

I just wanted to see it through. I wanted her to make it home. The ending felt so abrupt.

Yeah I totally get that it wasn't the point, and I agree. She saved herself and that was the point. Nonetheless, it would have given me more satisfaction to see it through. It just felt like they forgot the last 10 minutes of the movie.

Was anyone else slightly annoyed by the ending of Gravity? I wanted to see where she was! And I wanted to see her get rescued!

I live in Wisconsin, and I gotta say that I hate it when people say "well at least you are used to it" as if feet of snow every other day is something that is somehow easier for me to deal with than people in New York. People here just don't complain about it as much. I am not saying that it doesn't suck in New York.

God this is terrible. Apparently Russia has also caught several orcas out of the wild recently, some of whom will be on display in Sochi (with others sold to China). What a horrible shitshow.

Can we talk about orcas? I keep reading that whales are being caught for display in Sochi, but I can't quite figure out if it's true.

Of course people who benefit from current atrocities should be held to account. That is not the issue here. I am talking about everyone taking the time to think about their place in society and how they got there. Some people like Benedict and many, many others are benefiting today from those past actions (as a white

It's not that modern people should feel guilty or responsible for what their ancestors did. Of course they shouldn't. However, I believe the issue is that many descendants of slave owners are still benefiting from that historical atrocity through wealth and privilege. It is unreasonable to focus this conversation on a

Yeah, I guess you can get to the point where you are being strangled really quickly, and by that time hitting the emergency stop won't end it. Maybe they should have an emergency reverse button???