
This is preeeeetttty tangential. But I read that Mister Rogers maintained his weight at 143 exactly for decades because he liked the number so much (it means "I love you"). As with all things Mister Rogers*, this struck me as adorable. And so dedicated. My weight fluctuates a lot more within like an 8 pound range

This is exactly how I feel about this song being EVERYWHERE.

Wait... "we went out to his garden and we threw up together." So they are bulimia buddies?

I have absolutely no idea how it is done in that court system. However, I know that in some areas, you don't even need a law degree to become a judge. You just have to get appointed. Some judges don't even have college degrees. THAT is more terrifying to me than the idea that this woman went to law school and got a

wait, am I confused about what a selfie is? I thought it was one you took yourself. #culturefail

In the picture, he looks like Evil Mark Ruffalo.

Yes I have seen some coverage of Amanda Bynes on Jez that has made me uncomfortable too. But here's my view: different writers on these sites have different opinions and approaches. Lindy is definitely one of the goodies. I come back to this site for her. From what I've seen, she actually cares about the content of

Yeah.... I read about this story earlier today, and from what I read in the comments and thought for myself, her super unprofessional behaviors (especially numbers 6, 9, and 10) were a much bigger problem than a silly bra issue.

Who is he to judge? Well, he is the head of the largest gay-hating and -oppressing organization on the planet for one.

I had the exact same reaction, except I was traumatized too much by the second episode to continue. But then after another year or so of hearing about it from everyone, I gave it another go and was happy to find out that the beginning is about as horrifying as it gets (for the most part, excluding a particularly

In my opinion, your way is the best way, and those stupid commentators be damned. It reminds me of some interesting thing I heard on the radio a couple of weeks ago, though. There are new artificial insemination techniques that will allow parents to choose the sex of their child. Some expert was saying that this

I like that she also refers to it as a "mute" point on her twitter.

I really like the name, and it's got the perfect level of WTF-ery. I say go for it! I happen to like the names that are off-the-beaten path a little (my nephew is Otis).

I decided just this morning that Ursula would be the perfect girl name.

I really wanted to reply to this article, which I find to be in very poor taste, but then I saw your response. I can't say it any better.

I just started watching this on the recommendation of some friends. Pretty good so far! My holdup was the title, which makes it sound pretty silly or frivolous. Like it's about ladies obsessed with fashion in prison.

That may be my favorite scene in VMars. So meta!

whenever I see the names Hannigan/Denisof in dirt bag, I have a 1-second panic attack until I am assured it's not some story about them breaking up. Happily, it's always some story about how adorable they are. I love them so hard.

Crush: Patton Oswalt. Crush-killer: defense of rape jokes. Crush-restorer: apology for said defense.