
I love Jennifer's eyes in the picture. She's all "Look at this crazy broad I am in a picture with!"

Hmmm ok well I see we've gotten to a point where you are just deliberately misreading what I am saying and weirdly misquoting me (literally, with quotation marks!). So I think I'm done with this one. Shame because I think this would have been a conversation worth having.

Yes, I agree with everything you are saying. I think we are pretty much on the same page. Pit bulls DO have a bad rap and they DO deserve better treatment. Well-trained pit bulls by and large don't just attack people.

They've been specifically bred as fighting dogs. This has led to physical characteristics such as extremely strong jaws and overall strength and to behavior characteristics such as an absolute refusal to let go once they've started an attack. I am not an expert and I am not sure how legitimate these studies are, but

I don't fit into any of those categories. I think pit bulls CAN be amazing dogs, above average. However, they are also more dangerous than other types of dogs if they are not trained properly. And the VAST majority of people (including most of those who own them) do not know how to properly train them. It's sad that

This is tragic. Sympathies to all affected.

In the wise words of Ron Swanson: Don't half-ass two things. Whole-ass one thing.

Actually, he HAS done a lot about it. And I am sure he will continue to do so. At the end of the interview he explicitly states that he will.

Love him so much. LOVE that at the end of the interview, he says of his post Avengers 2 plans "...back to the female-hero thing, I’m not going to let nobody do it. It doesn’t have to be me, but it could be."

This is super cute but the comments on the Youtube video make me wonder whether the place where these animals are is legit or awful.

I think it was a worlds colliding thing for me..... I follow Tesla and I follow pop culture and the two have not met before. Weird!

I love that you referred to Elon Musk as a "car mogul." I mean, it's totally accurate. But usually I just see people talking about him as the Tesla guy (Tesla!). And he probably got most of his money from this other thing he invented called PayPal.

Blerg. I was totally with Lindy on loving them without reserve (mostly because of previous statements from them about not trying to control what Willow does with her hair, etc.) But your comment made me google them with relation to Scientology. I found this:

God, I really hope this show doesn't happen. Have just a tiny bit of respect, TLC. Wait, what am I saying....TLC.....respect.

I didn't watch that show, but I am pretty sure she's Ivy from Dollhouse.

That is seriously messed up. Here are the two stories:

Man, I love my city. But I am surprised that Madisonians would be alarmed by hippies sprawled on grass getting some rays.

Here is a firefighter in Denmark rescuing a kitty. Firefighters are the best.

How unbelievably awful. I never understand how the drivers of these vehicles with the dash cams are not FREAKING OUT. It's the same thing with the Russian dash cams when they have horrific accidents. Always silent.

Wow, I just realized that I've never heard Kate Middleton's voice before. That just weirded me out.