
I agree. I mean, it does show the discrepancy between the two, but do they really need to say it twice?

Well, how many football players, basketball players, baseball players, and other athletes have received scholarships that were in no way academically motivated? I am not saying it's right (I think college should be about academics NOT athletic programs and that there shouldn't be scholarships based on athletics only)

I actually am a certified too-soon-ologist, and your diagnosis was correct. Definitely too soon. But I am a conservative ologist, and I also do not approve of Zero Dark Thirty.

I was discussing this with a couple of friends last night; we felt kind of bad that we donated more money to this than we did to a charitable cause that we care about.

I wish she would take a hardline against photoshop. She is perfect already with the waist she has.

Well, the article says she had been paid to go on dinner dates with rich men. So I assume she had been making money doing stuff like that before she met this prince.

Oh my gosh. I have never seen this before, but it just made me day. Thank you!


That happened to me too (it's an enduring noooooo though). Also, when I saw Alyson Hannigan's pic on dirtbag, I had a brief panic that she and Alexis Denisof were splitting up. I am not happy about the creepy creep but if those two split up it would give me a major case of the sads.

I am dying of jealousy right now.

That is interesting. It kind of seems like perhaps Mr. Stanton overreacted though. It sounds like it was an honest mistake by DKNY and that rather than immediately posting about it online, he could have reached out to them directly to address it.

I have a conundrum on (kind of) this topic. I've never been a stunner, but a couple of years ago I had to have surgery that left half of my face paralyzed — when I smile it just looks like a grimace. So I think I am kind of ok-looking if I refrain from making any expressions but if I get animated or smile then I know

Those pics don't capture the hip-high slit in Michelle Williams' dress. It's crazy!

Good heavens, Jenny McCarthy and Melissa McCarthy are cousins??

I win this contest. I am 28 and I've never been in a relationship during Valentine's day. #crone

It's stupid, but my first reaction to this is to wonder what kind of psychological burden this (i.e. basically being frozen right after being born) puts on the poor kid. I KNOW it's dumb and I don't need people to tell me this. But seriously, though, it's like "Welcome to the world, kid. It's a cold, miserable place."

Besides the title, I can't get past judging this book by the two misuses of the word "either" in the subtitle (which are not the only problematic grammar issues in there). You can't say either and then list three things. Even if this book was on a topic that seemed interesting to me (which this is the opposite of), I

That sounds like a real self-esteem booster.

I am so happy that other people get as excited as me about stuff. :)

try to casually drop it into conversation that you went through an anti-facebook phase in the last couple of years in which you defriended everyone and quit or something and then got back on and haven't re-friended very many people. It may be a white lie, but I think it's good to spare his feelings.