
The guy who owns the Banzai Runner Pantera used to have a website about it.

Out of the cars used in The Italian Job:

Correct. It's the finale to Live and Let Die which takes place on a train, where Bond fights Tee Hee (Julius W Harris) and his mechanical hand.

The US-spec bumpers on that Renault may be THE worst I have ever seen, especially the back one. These cars are quite pretty without them.

What is this? It looks like it might be a Wartburg Knight.

Is the legend true about how the Cuban government realised that a bunch of the cars on the island were worth a fortune, tricked their owners into trading them for gosh wow, BRAND NEW LADAS - then sent them to auction and made a fortune? Guy who told me the story said one of them was a Jaguar XK-SS.

I am curious. Has anyone ever tried taking one of these:

Now playing

I'm way too late on this, but here is the Altra Camping Car, built on a Renault 4 Chassis for the 1971 French movie Trafic. It features, among other bizarre details, seats that pop out of the back bumpers, a front grille that folds down into a cooking grille, an electric razor in the centre of the steering wheel and

Maybe they just needed a little badge engineering. Worked in Italy. (Sort of.)

Hey, trolls need food too.

Um, that was Elian, with an I.

I did not like the faux-Lambo grill. Lotii are supposed to look happy, not pissed-off. Witness:

ITA - especially since TR7s are pretty safe cars in comparison to other old sports cars. They're remarkably solid and were actually the first production cars to have side impact beams in the doors.

Everything you thought you knew about the next Ford Mustang is a lie.

Hm, lost my last sentence. Shouldda ended: As such, if you want to name a car "Mirage" (which is undoubtedly a very cool name), you need to make it look like this Mirage, not your Mirage.

Dear whoever designed the Mitsubishi Mirage, assuming someone can actually be said to have "designed" it. Please look at this car and take note: cars that are long and low and have big wheels look good. Cars that are fat and tubby and have teeny tiny sofa casters do not.

Is this like the beginning of "Christine"?

Birthday or no birthday, this Renault Floride is not impressed with your dubbing the VWKG as world's slowest sports car and demands whatever the opposite of a drag race is to prove that it is, in fact, slower. And handles worse too.

The bus is now water-cooled so the grille is functional