8860 is a two-speed. IIRC, the one they followed it up with, which has pop-up headlights, a red cage-body and a mid-mounted V4 is a 3-speed.
8860 is a two-speed. IIRC, the one they followed it up with, which has pop-up headlights, a red cage-body and a mid-mounted V4 is a 3-speed.
Wow, great article, I never knew about this before. They also used at least two different takes of the truck crushing the cars because the cars on each side of the Volvo change.
Mine was done by the previous owner (who was fastidious about maintenance). When shopping for the car I was surprised at how many of the same model that were on sale had not had the fix done yet especially since (IIRC) it was one of the first cars to be recalled.
So the Low Mileage Corvette Phenomenon is totally a thing and it’s a coincidence this should come up on here because I was talking to a dealer about it last month.
They sell millions of Corollas every year.
Robot: This is too dangerous. Stay home.
This has been shared to Jalopnik which is where you saw it, although I agree as I am also shit sick of the unsubstantiated bullshit leftist politics from other Gawker sites appearing there.
Given the INSANE values on air-cooled Porsches right now, and that this car is now more than 40 years old, who cares about the title. You could buy this for $25K, rip it apart and rebuild it stock and still come out ahead.
Yeah... I’ve been looking for one of these for a while and so are a lot of other people. 6-speed manual cars are VERY thin on the groun (only 1/4 of production has the manual) and all seem to be concentrated in Boston, California and Washington state. And by the time I can arrange to go look at them, they’ve sold. One…
The base TL of this generation is quite boring - I test-drove one and although it was automatic rather than manual and I’m sure the 6-speed helps a lot - I was extremely unimpressed with it. It felt like the most generic rental car ever and it was SLOW.
2 cars which cost more than I make in a year. I am driving a 22-year-old car because I can’t find anything newer that fits my car-wants. The future sucks already.
Nissan. Versa.
The Chrysler 200.
God, the Nissan Versa is the most unutterably hideous car ever.
“If the execs and lawyers of BBC have two brain cells left” - there speaks someone who has never worked in or at the BBC. Most who work there didn’t have 2 brain cells to start with.
You have the same Mitsubishi TD04 turbocharger that my Saab 9000 has.