
Rebecca, all I can say is that you sure know what you're doing, following up that horrible opener with Hiddles.

I do like 15 minutes around 6:45 or 7. It's nothin' ambitious, that is for sure.

I found that Rimmel's Kate Moss lipsticks are pretty solid classic reds. Love em.

"Pinkies out, let's take a trip to Assville."

Flowers. Flowers say that.

Do they do other body parts? Dicks, vaginas, the works? Because I feel like there's a market here.

Which gift best says, "please go nowhere south of my vulva with your tongue?"

Oh Mark, that's not how you play Candy Crush!

The only chocolate that matters:

This is just fucking awful.

That's enough internet for today. I'm out. Good bye y'all, I'll remember you all in therapy.

I mean, you start going too light and you're ending up in 'mint' territory, and everyone knows that mint isn't teal. Duh. This is just like, basic logic.

It's ok, In 2 years, she'll have a Mommy blog about her snowflake child who can't process the complex sugars in refined carbohydrates and is allergic to the colour red.

i mean i hate all that shit* but if i'm gunna send a complaint email i sure as shit am gunna be on point with my grammar

I don't think anyone hates women who like to succeed! But perhaps some of us are less than kindly disposed towards people who don't use proper spelling and capitalization.

Meanwhile, the Wal-Mart plus-size collection is set to get a release date. . .

Don't you get it? It's a test. The baby is going to be fine, God just wants to test your faith Even though he's all-knowing. He's thorough like that.

I'm fairly certain that they imagine that the angel Gabriel will come down from Heaven, deliver a perfectly healthy pink little baby, and then say "You are a wonderful person. But Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, wants to take your beautiful baby up to Heaven. You will have perfect memories and nothing but happiness

It works like this:

Murrell' writing on this matter is superb. It really drives home the sadism of men like this. What do they fantasize will happen if women who know they do not want a developmentally disabled child, or who are pregnant with a fetus doomed to early and painful death can't abort? How does this play out in their hallmark