No they are enemies
Sounds like you have larger ideas about online interaction. Maybe the internet isn’t for you.
Lol sounds like you have a lot to be proud of.
Twitch is the monetized realization of everyone’s memory of sitting in a room playing through a game with their friends/siblings.
Spot on.
Cohh is a great dude and a super professional streamer. Sub to his channel.
Idk why she triggers all of us more than any of the thousands of other amoral, corporatist Democratic ghouls.
I took it upon myself to record every conversation I had with the paramedics, take time-stamped notes on my phone, and repeatedly ask for a lawyer.
Okay this comment was bad and has been adopted by the wrong people and should be deleted. Sorry everyone.
Christians are bad
To all the “Tiger is a bad guy” takes in these posts, I have some bad news for you about every fucking single other sports hero...
I disagree with free speech, I want to restrict your free speech.
This is just weird, period.
Lol A+ troll. I’m very sure that your parents are proud of you, your friends are many and genuine, and your life is very good and fulfilling.
Lol these guys just want their own thugs to be in charge.
Yes, and anyone who derives irreplaceable joy from being able to do something in a video game that others can’t do needs to reexamine things.
Anyone who cares about a non-competitive game being easy for other people is an irredeemable dork with no friends. Honestly, get over yourself.
I just moved all my parts to a fancy new case with very very juvenile RGB fans, and I kept booting to BIOS. I was going nuts for like an hour till I realized my SSD wasn’t connected to either SATA or to the MB. I mean, they were plugged in on the SSD end so I assumed that they were connected on the other side, but…
Here’s why you voted wrong motherfucker.