
So many Kinja Attorneys here.

I can’t even imagine having a brain as broken as theirs. 

Lol you’re a parody of yourself.

Weak troll.

Seems like if you abandon a persistent game after one month, you shouldn’t waste money on those types of games. Hope you are able to find games you enjoy.

Me too dude, identical experience on a similar timeline. It just feels right.

I’m very pessimistic and smarmy about this game, which means I have refined tastes and intelligent opinions. I regain a little control over my life every time I mention anonymously online how I won’t pay $X for game.


I just want extreme-bezel-less-ness, no notch.

Fortnite is such a stupid game.

The silver lining (?) is that white people aren’t even trying to hide it anymore. Cards are on the table.

Imagine a life so devoid of meaning and love that this type of thing enrages you?

These cops are all such pathetic losers. Bottom of the barrel.

This is a Very Gamer Opinion.


LOOOOOL everyone stop responding to this guy. I was wrong, it wasn’t a good faith disagreement.

I’m not going to respond in a snarky way because I think you’re making a good faith point here. By erasure I mean ignored, passed over, mistreated, not taken seriously, etc. Whether those things happen on an absolute scale or, yes, in relation to the more privileged, doesn’t make the experience feel like less of an

F U C K Y E S. I have been saying this for years. Women who are not conventionally attractive are ERASED in every social context imaginable, and they’re not making online hate groups. Fantastic post.

If the coach deferred to a WOMAN as to whether Rosen was a FOOTBALL MAN then the coach (who is clearly a man) must not believe that Rosen is a FOOBAW MAN.

James Bond is a fictional rapist.