
Consider a Roth IRA. Bonus is that all the earnings are tax free.

A man I knew that was a submariner told me this; there are two types of boats in the ocean, other submarines and targets.

Meters for the lights in the lot are usually on one of the poles, or on a small stand nearby one of the transformers. Also, if the power company installed the lights, then the property owner may just get a flat bill for the lights, hence no meter.

OK...It happens all the time. I've landed a 172 and PA-28 (Piper Cherokee) at Atlanta on a few occasions. Usually did it late at night to avoid any disruptions, but I did go into Atlanta once during the afternoon rush in said Cherokee, and taxiing out behind a bunch of much larger airliners was certainly an experience

For those who care, just keep in mind many Craftsman hand tools are now of Asian (usually Chinese) origin. Screwdrivers and pliers are usually OK, but tool sets like those mentioned are usually 100% China.

No, but you need to put it in the proper context. Saying "many places" is extremely vague.

No, but you need to put it in the proper context. Saying "many places" is extremely vague.

Glad I'm not the only one who thinks a server needs to earn the tip. That's one reason why I cannot stand automatic gratuities. I actually made them remove it from my bill once because the service was so bad, and outside the group I was with, the place wasn't even that busy.

I agree. The constant belly-aching from folks in the service industry about how almost everyone should be tipped now gets to be a bit old. It is one practice I wish we would abandon here and just start including the cost of service in the meals. If you get exceptional service, you can add extra.

That was the same argument a bank I did IT support for used to stay with Windows NT until about 2004-2005. I can't count how many hacks and work arounds that they had to do to get something as simple as a modern printer to work with their desktops. Not to mention the hellish mess of trying to get anything on a laptop

I have found Grado SR-80s (I have the original ones, not the newer "i" version) to be a great compromise of sound and price. I run them with the EQ on my iPod flat, and they sound great.

Same here. I occasionally look at some of the other options out there, but the DVR and guide functions built into WMC keep me from switching. Maybe when XBMC can get an integrated DVR and guide (that isn't a pain to install and configure) AND work with my Xbox 360, maybe I'll look at it again.

The only time I ever got a nasty gram from AT&T about tethering was when I tethered my laptop to my phone a few times. Apparently if you are using a large amount of data they start looking more closely at your usage, including some of the information your browser includes in its page requests. If they see a desktop

My thoughts exactly. I use Weather Underground and RadarScope for my weather needs. USWeather when I need to look at prog charts.

Haggling with the cable company only really works if there is a real threat of competition in your area, or you have repeated service issues and work far enough up the food chain to someone who has the ability to do something about it. If you are in a market where few to no alternatives exist, and the reps know it,

That is exactly what Adobe wants to lull people into. "Oh it's only $20 a month!" It is the same tactic used by car dealers to get people to pay more for cars by stringing out the length of payments to make the car fit into their budget.

Look at what the current CS educational pricing is, and you will see why this is NOT a good deal.