
we only looked at pay per view charges on a room when the guest asked to have them removed. if i recall correctly, the length record for a porn requested to be removed from the bill for “i didn’t watch that” was 9 minutes. that was a true outlier though, the majority were around 3 minutes.

They came from an hour away with a thirst for loafage,

As one who is pubic style challenged, I’d rather attend a workshop on Hair Styling, Downstairs.

I could defend being in the position of dealing with a small child who is a picky eater. But that doesn’t mean it’s the restaurant staff’s responsibility to go out of their way to deal with it, too.

No it isn’t. At some point in your life, as your family, professional, social circles grow and you get older and have gone to dozens of events, you finally stop torturing yourself just to be “polite” Women do this way, way, way too much. The only thing you “have” to go to after awhile in life is funerals. Power to ya

It’s okay, we side-eye your doe and stag parties pretty hard.

I’m sad I missed the original post, but I am SO GLAD that a bunch of other people agree with me that bouquet tosses are the literal worst. I’m vehemently not doing one at my upcoming wedding, and I am already sick of hearing about it from older acquaintances and relatives. My mom is trying so hard not to nag about it

Actually, you’re a jerk

You can think I'm an idiot all you want, but I'm not donating to your honeyfund. If that's the only option, your wedding gift is going to be a card.

"specific economics aside, no matter what a couple asks for as a wedding gift, you should shut right the hell up and give it to them."

I've always said if I get engaged I'll ask for a crystal or class ring instead of diamonds...I don't want to participate in the diamond industry.

You know, I had no idea I had a crush on T-Pain until just now.

Now playing

Clearly, white women are the people that should be searched.

Virginia really does deserve more shade than it gets. They almost fucking elected Ken Cuccinelli, for God's sake.

So what, you don't want any allies in positions of power?

No worries, I'm sure she dictated it to her husband as he typed, since the internet is too edgy for her delicate lady-eyes without his filter.