
@92BuickLeSabre: It is if you read up on the Paleo Diet, which actively tells you to avoid all cereal grains, including corn, because they're all unhealthy. Of course, I find this position overly extreme, so I pick the stuff from the Paleo Diet advocates that work for me and ignore the rest. Net result? Over 70

I love my Zojirushi rice cooker. Rice is a big staple in my diet. I also use it to cook quinoa, which comes out great. I'll also throw in a tablespoon full of dried wakame into the rice or quinoa and let it all cook together.

@Dovahn: First thing that came to mind.

@Joe: More like all squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares.

Good, now Belpratchett is ready to meet Torak in Cthol Mishrak for their long prophesied duel to the death.

@jezzarisky: When were you in middle school? Charly, the theatrical movie adaptation of Flowers for Algernon, came out in 1968. There was also a TV movie version, starring Matthew Modine, that used the book title (one of my biggest beefs with Charly was that it didn't use the book's title...I hate it when movies

@jezzarisky: You mean Charly? That movie did not do the book justice.

@vcn456: Mmm, Erin Gray was a fixture of my middle childhood years, thanks to Buck Rogers and Silver Spoons. I especially liked Wilma Deering after they shifted Buck Rogers to space, and she wore that miniskirted uniform.

@Smeagol92055: Wow...when I first saw this, I thought, "Oh, this must have been a 4chan joke."

@TechnoDestructo: Yup, the only bird I would dread more swooping down at me is a golden eagle. I'm glad we only have crows here in Los Angeles...and some of our crows can get pretty big. I would be nervous if ravens started making themselves a home here.

@Dresan: Yes, crows carry grudges and exact revenge. Worse are ravens, because they're so much bigger than crows, but every bit as smart and vindictive.

@junior ghoul: I've only seen DBZ season one so far, so all I know is the whole "OVER NINE THOUSAND!!!" bit from Vegeta. I'm busy catching up on the remastered Dragon Ball DVDs before I proceed with the rest of DBZ.

@GitEmSteveDaveInMySnuggie: I'm aware of how the National Guard operates. I nearly joined the California National Guard when I was 17 back in 1989, but instead opted for active duty Army after I graduated high school in 1990.

@GitEmSteveDaveInMySnuggie: No, during most times, the National Guard does not operate under federal mandate. It is a state level operation. That's why I said your example wasn't apt, because you were using the example of the Louisiana governor mobilizing the Louisiana National Guard to render aid to Katrina

@GitEmSteveDaveInMySnuggie: And a state governor is not part of the federal government, so the National Guard isn't an apt example for your point. I think FEMA fits better. Or the Coast Guard.

@OreoExplosion: A 40 footer is too small to cause a Tunguska sized event. Tunguska was caused by something around 60 meters.

@Setonas: You mean astronomy. Astrology has to do with the zodiac and horoscopes.

@Nivenus: Nah, an object would have to be larger than 100ft before entering the atmosphere to cause any significant damage beyond wiping out a car or killing some poor sap that was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Smaller than 100ft means it completely or mostly burns up in the atmosphere.

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