
No, evolution simply means to change over time. Biological evolution does not always progress from less to more complex organisms. Sometimes it goes the other way, or laterally. Biological evolution is about adapting to a given environment in order to ensure reproductive success. Cave fish lost their eyes because

720 isn't HD enough for me. 1080 is what I wanted.

This is what I've been waiting for since the first iPad was introduced...HD display. Now I'll buy one.

Neutron stars are only formed by supernovae. Our own sun isn't massive enough to go supernova. It will simply expand into a red giant, slough off its outer layers into something called a planetary nebula, and become a white dwarf.

The paper discusses how the magma could extrude in the future. And it has nothing do with active geological activity, but rather the changes in composition of the magma over time.

Your name wouldn't happen to be Arthur Dent, would it?


The Caspian Sea is landlocked and has no connection to any oceans.

The Caspian Sea is landlocked and not subject to changes in ocean levels. It's really a gigantic lake.

No, the moon is slowing Earth's rotation in a process known as negative tidal acceleration. It's the reason the moon is tidal locked with the Earth. This overcomes any miniscule increase in angular momentum caused by Earth's losing a tiny fraction of total mass per year.

I've seen various suggestions...Kuh-THOO-loo, Kuh-TOO-loo, even KLOO-loo. I have no idea which one is supposed to be the most authentic and accurate.

Say Anything... > Better Off Dead

Right, Cygnus X-1 is a stellar mass black hole, about 8.7 times the mass of our sun.

Cygnus X-1 is 6,100 light years from us.

China seems to be where America was in the 50s

I got the first three and immediately recognized the fourth once I looked at the original on Wikipedia. I was around only for Tiananmen Square (born in 1972, so I watched the coverage in 1989), but I love history.

If I remember correctly, helium was named for Helios, the Greek sun god. Helium was originally discovered in solar spectroscopy in the mid-1800s.

My friend had a Packard Bell Pentium 60 Mhz system, so we'd play Myst on his computer and team up to solve the puzzles. My computer was a clone that I bought at a computer fair, but he got his from some store...may have been Circuit City. Damn, the mid-90s feels so long ago now...we spent hours tweaking our

Oh yeah, the old days. My first desktop was an Intel 486DX2-66 (so 66 MHz) with 8 MB of RAM, and 120 MB hard drive. I remember being so stoked it had a 2x CD-ROM drive, VESA local bus, a 14.4k modem, and dual 5.25" and 3.5" disk drives. It was snazzy for 1994. Paid $1,600. The first Pentium came out around the

Yes, but then blood doping isn't the same as steroids. Steroids are a specific type of performance enhancing drug that replicates the effect of testosterone on building specific types of muscles.