
Chicago fans today

I went to half a dozen regular season games this season, have gone to a similar number of games for the past several years and grew up going to the old Chicago Stadium, and I haven't detected any problems with the crowd. I haven't been to any playoff games, but I know plenty of people who have and no one has said

I have attended more than 100 gsames at the UC from when there were 6,000 fans in attendance to the Kane/Toews era. That was the loudest I have ever heard that building. Tickets to this game were affordable because a lot of the bandwagonners and business lunchers wrote them off. Game day tix on StubHub were selling

Oh, please. Spare us all the nonsense about bandwagon fans. I've been going to games since I was 6 years old and I welcome all the new fans. Longing for the days when you could buy 100 level tickets on game day and watch really bad hockey with 5,000 others? Not me.

Playoff hockey is the best in sports.

" If you did have a rooting interest, it was torture."

Yes, yes it was. For this 'Hawks fan, it was gut-wrenching to wait in OT to see if the season was going to end or not. Hawks Twitter — usually the most vocal of the fanbases — was quiet for much of that overtime, devoid of our usual terrible Versteeg, mustache and

The East/West divide is becoming more apparent every year. It's like watching a different league.

It's fun and gets people talking. What's wrong with that?

I have no idea why anyone goes to Dunkin Donuts, ever.

I really dislike it. I think it's probably some sort of self-loathing thing where I instinctively reject Masshole icons.

Tom - judging by the way he handled the swastika joke, I'm pretty sure Mr. Rovell will be informing A.J. Daulerio that you just called him a penis.


Must we insult the innocent penis by comparing it to Darren Rovell?

but noticeable by his absence was Chicago's best, most loved, and most important player of the last 30 years

Brits say different things than Americans? WEIRD! It's like we're two different countries or something.

What does that consist of? Denim and poutine?

I love how that's your response to everyone not giving you what you want to hear.

And you should spend less time being a douchebag.

I can't believe you're like "Hey guys! Hey guys! I turned this whole thing into a punchline! Lookit meeeeee!"