
I love Crawford. His favorite word is fuck, my favorite word is fuck. He likes Rise Against, I like Rise Against. He gets drunk and falls down stairs, I get drunk and fall down stairs.

You can’t spell #BFIB without F.B.I.

Would that be the one that said “Giants 6, Cardinals 3”?

You know, I’d grown pretty weary of the internet’s (or Deadspin’s, specifically) constant mockery of St. Louis baseball people and their supposedly smug baseball opinions and opinions of themselves. “Chill out,” I’d think, “nobody’s actually doing that, they just have a good team and a passionate fanbase and you’re

Yeah, I actually feel really bad about not including Odell on here. Really, I was concerned about putting too many Colorado beers on the list. I had cut Epic and Sanitas from my first draft, and I can always throw Avery into the mix. As for Odell, I am going to state some stuff for the record.

I’m just giving you shit. I tried Epic at a GABF for the first time and that shit’s made down the street, haha.

I don’t trust a guy who likes beer and lives in the Denver area yet waited in line at GABF for his first sip of Pliny when he could have had full pours ANY TIME HE WANTED at Falling Rock down the street. Up ya game, David.

At last, video evidence that 2:24 is faster than 2:26.

We’re all goons. It’s like in the original NES Ice Hockey when you pick all fat guys.

Why didn’t you write a full recap of the game with that team I follow?

Teuvo now has more points in SCF games than Ryan Kesler.

But I think the point is that other people’s casual observations don’t matter to many of us. I don’t care if you think my toenails are ugly or my toes are misshapen. Go right ahead and think that.

I understand a New Yorker’s disdain for sandals considering the filth of the city in which you reside and the grounds on which it exists.

Ok, I will admit it, I am the worst possibly attired person according to the various websites that make up the Gawkerverse. And I am ok with that. I have a pair of black Nike slip on sandals that get worn to the gym and home - can’t wear gym shoes outside. I have a pair of flip flops by the back door to wear out in


Wear whatever you want imo.

Also, knowing Ms. Horn disapproves will only add to my satisfaction in wearing my sandals and shorts.

I will wear sandals and shorts and be happy.