
That's also the nicest note I've ever seen a Chicagoan leave in that situation. Most of them have been spelled out in shards of passenger side window glass.

Poor kid, wonder if "getting nailed in the dick between Johnny Bench and the Kool-Aid Man" is both his best and worst moment in childhood.

As a native Chicagoan, you can only get that pie at two places: Gino's East and Giordano's. Now I'm homesick and there is no way any NY style pizza can fill that void.

I never said I didn't like New York pizza. Grimaldi's in Brooklyn is one of my favorite all time spots. I made my sister take me there twice in less than 24 hours last time I was there. But I also love Giordano's and Lou Malnati's in Chicago. It is like choosing your favorite child. They are both awesome for


While that looks delish, I would not shit for a month after a slice.

I used to stare at the track list and running times on every album I saw at the store, and if the band in question had a crazy long song, I was riveted. "9:44?! That band must mean business!"

Who would've thought that the food equivalent of Skip Bayless wouldn't be his brother Rick?

Would also argue in favor of Tex Mex.

This is the worst thing I've ever read.

Are those tracks heading to Chicago deep dish pizza, leaving cardboard in the dust?

Former Blue Devil Draws Charge While Flopping

Also the worst, when Cardinals fans refer to the play-offs as "Red October."

Man, I was hoping for a takedown of the Catholic church.

The St. Louis Cardinals beat the Pittsburgh Pirates last night, because the Cardinals don't like it when another

Central Illinois Cardinal fans are the worst.

umm well we pretty much all ready decided this all ready,, we're going 2 call them the Whiteskins because Whites can take a joke and also no one cares about our feelings even though this should be considered extremely offensive to Whites.

1. Stow your hostility, jackass. I'm not Gary Darling and I can only assume you're pissy about the game result, but seriously: don't be a douche.

[whistlin' Dixie]