Cool fantasy story.
Cool fantasy story.
sht up
The Kerry Rhodes section here needs to be posted on PFT. The comments would be comedy gold.
I'm a Florida grad. Believe me, there are dozens of us.
u said it typicall butthurt vikqueen IMO
I'm not ripping Peyton, just stating the truth. He's not a good post season player. If stating the truth is ripping someone, then oh well. The statistics proves that.
I'm sure the '02 Raiders would want in on that discussion as well
I believe the point centers on wasted potential. The Bears made the playoffs 5 of the next 6 after 85 & lost 3 home playoff games including an NFC title game. The Packers blew a chance to win back to back. After 01, The Rams made the playoffs twice and died
But it's the internet! And I AM an asshole. An asshole who doesn't care at all about college football.
Great explanation, but you forgot to add that it needs to be poured into a plastic sippy cup for the bus ride downtown.
top shelf margs. all the fixins, you guys.
I just realized I have zero feelings, bad or good, about the Rams. Zero. I can't even be bothered to dislike them. That pretty much sums up, I think, the rest of the NFL's feelings on them.
I might actually be sad when the regular season finally arrives, if only because it'll signal the end of this year's "Why Your Team Sucks" series. This is the best thing on the entire Gawker Network, and I schedule my afternoons around reading each one (and as a Niners fan, I can't wait to see what you say about my…
From your tone, I'm guessing your parents didn't do a lot of actual parenting (or at least any that took). Raising children so that they don't become assholes is hard work.
Big ol' fuck you to Drew for not having to pay for summer daycare. Mrs. HoC and I work so we have no choice here.