agreed, it’s most likely a Johnson one. Rudi can’t fail, after all.
agreed, it’s most likely a Johnson one. Rudi can’t fail, after all.
Shocking news that being shoeless is a notable characteristic in Kentucky.
Did Grimes mean inclined up or inclined down?
I mean, he’s 100% not wrong about Byrnes. That guy should be sponsored by Makita and Milwaukee, he’s that big of a tool.
Man, must be tough to be continually harassed like this.
now the restaurant is extra crispy
That header picture looks like she knew she didn't fool Penn and Teller
And they laughed at me when I warned them that YOU MUST KEEP THE EXTRA CRISPY AND THE ORIGINAL RECIPE SEPARATE!
until the colonel removes the cheeto chicken sandwich, a restaurant will be destroyed every night. this i swear to you
I want him to stick in the league so he can try this on someone like Chris Paul, on a day when he’s REALLY feeling that OKC angst... just to see who dies. Hint: It will be Grayson Allen
Really, you just need to look at his background to see where this stuff comes from:
Color announcer sounded about 5 seconds from just going over and punching Allen in the throat which, although unorthodox, I would heartily endorse.
At what point do we accept that this guy is who he is, which is Ted Cruz?
Whether this makes the Rockets an insanely entertaining unstoppable force after they change their gameplan or it’s a complete nuclear disaster that blows up... I’M SO EXCITED!!!
I swear to god, the valid reasons to not eat the rich become less tenable every day....
You spelled foobawww wrong.
I too would cut off his dick for a super bowl win.
scans for *female orgasm*
Jalen Richard✔@RocketRich30
Everyone that’s mad about me not vaccinating my kids prolly be in the line for the flu shots