
it's filmed vertically from the screen of another phone with the main video filmed vertically... I can't watch this

So, it would be activated in situations like this: you're driving along, at a reasonable speed, when some jackass comes barreling up behind you, at about 10 MPH more than your speed. The PASL would activate when it saw the car approaching your car's 'safe zone' to let the driver behind you know, hey, slow down,

I'm happy with it, as long as they keep the Eurobeat...

I want to see Takumi in a GT86 destroy some dude in a r35

Every car I've ever driven, suddenly accelerated when I put on Eurobeat...

1) It's a stupid idea

yeah, then get an airplane... no need for a flying car.

Why would anyone want flying cars??

First, I laughed wholeheartedly and without shame when I watched this video and I hope no one else got injured.

I think it's interesting that the Ferrari F12 chassis also looks like this

oh yeah... and your dog loves you?

The only thing "wrong" with the LP640 IMO is the exhaust.. One big pipe doesn't look as good as two..

Ok, to really answer your question: power isn't everything and imo comapring the GT and the FRS doesn't really work. As others have said they are different cars for different people. The FRS is for the very twisty b-road and the roundabouts and the GT was and still is made for the quarter-mile. The GT is a muscle car

Because the only place you can get RWD sportscars with more horsepower than the FRS for less/ the same money is the US.

He might be reckless, but he's in no way the worst gentleman driver... You don't win by being the worst...

DUH, they are driving at a safe speed and nobody should ever go faster than THAT...

The mazda wasn't in front of him... the mazda just didn't look, he would've had an accident with anyone approaching. The Lambo doesn't look like he has been driving way faster than 30-35 mph. The mazda is the asshat. He pulled out without looking and that's it. We need a different angle to determine how far the Lambo

It was ajoke... God damnit. Think before you answer to 5 months old posts, especially if you don't get the joke. People like you are the reason fp comments are fucked up...

No, in kph: If you drive 155-160 kph on a 130 kph highway, depending on the policeman, you will pay between 35-50 € if it's dry and you didn't do anything else wrong.

You got a point, but a police car can't be taken out as easily as a sportscar, not even by a truck. Trucks are usually slower too, which gives you more vehicles you can actually chase them with.