The best movies get better each time you watch them. That is why I am now going to praise the 2007 cinematic…
The best movies get better each time you watch them. That is why I am now going to praise the 2007 cinematic…
Same. :( It’s a texture thing — it feels blubbery and mushy to me. Whenever we go to Thanksgiving Eve buffet, I ask for the end cut of the prime rib — still sinfully tender and beefy but not bleeding and poke-able and jiggly. Nobody seems to believe me, but there are ways to cook steak a little more and still have it…
Actually, when deconstructed, the transaction is far simpler: I’m paying him money to cook food that I will then consume. He can judge me all he wants, as long as the meat on my plate looks like I envisioned it when I placed the order. I am not doing it out of spite or to purposely “offend” him with my “rudeness”. I…
This is why I stay away from ordering steaks and other grilled meats at restaurants. I like to know that my food is COOKED, and I’m sure I would offend the chef.
Wales is probably my favorite flag. I especially like how the dragon is saying "talk to the hand".
Iron Man 2: A fleet of drones is taken over by a mavolent criminal who then uses them to terrorize New York. The creator of the drones is sent to prison.
As a huge comic fan and a current Avengers fanatic (oh Hickman (swoon)) and as a previously moderate enjoyer of Marvel movies, I gotta say: this was one of the worst movies I’ve seen all year. Not just comic book movies, but movies general.
This is what annoyed me so much. Nobody says anything about the massive destruction and carnage in Avengers and the carelessness of the battles taht a team of 6 people engage in, but they thrash Superman for not being careful fighting alone against a small army of people as strong as him. It’s silly and almost pure…
What’s stupid is that all the people arguing about superman are wrong and the movie is also wrong. Superman really is an amazing superhero. He sees everything and his reaction speed is genuinely superhumanly fast. A simple slow motion shot, where they could have shown how superman planned out the fight with Zod to…
Everyone knows someone who’s run the marathon. Today’s big-city races—in places like Boston, New York, Berlin, and…
OK. I really, honestly, don't see anything disgusting about this. That could be because I'm a microbiologist, I guess. We have lactobacilli -which are involved in producing yogurt and cheese- in our vaginas. She just took these used them to culture yogurt. However, she took everything else, too, which made it taste…
It's been a long time since I've been a smoker, so for those who still smoke/bum smokes: when I was a smoker, we had an unspoken creed if you will, stating that if it is someone's last smoke, you are a piece of shit if you accept it from them. Unless the person is your S.O. or a friend with whom you intend to share…
I know that I'm in the minority saying this, but when I was smoking, I honestly didn't care that people bummed my cigarettes. I mean, if I'm down to two, I'm obviously going to lie and say I don't have any. But if I had just gotten a shiny new pack? Yes. Please smoke these. There's nothing worse than a cigarette…
Cat and Dog should get together.
Custom-designed 3D-printed prosthetic arm by Kuester. Get another look below—the hand looks like it's low-res:
Some spiders can actually be kind of adorable. Others are surprisingly colorful. Male peacock spiders, like the…