

I didn’t have trouble following either movie without having to check my cell phone. I actually lightly enjoyed Avengers in the theaters. But I also saw MoS in the theater, and purchased the blue-ray. I couldn’t imagine buying Avengers on blue-ray. Once you’ve seen it, it’s totally done forever.

Hot take...

I can’t speak for everyone but I’ve largely stopped watching the marvel movies because they are essentially the same formulaic pablum every damn time. I’d like some variety.

I get where you’re coming from on this but I for one am glad DC is sticking to their guns on this one and keeping it more serious instead of what Marvel has built with the Avengers. I would prefer to have one property cracking one liners and the other keeping it serious, don’t need a direct DC version of Marvel

I think this looks amazing, except Jessica Chastain. I don’t buy her in the slightest as a badass warrior. Obviously I’ll reserve judgment until I see it, but the trailer was not particularly encouraging.

There is a critical mistake that a lot of genre fiction makes that the entry doesn’t dispel which is the timing of Templars’ creation. Contrary to what some prominent Tom Hanks films would have you believe, the Templars did not lead the First Crusade. They were created after the founding of the Kingdom of Jerusalem

“I survived The Breach and all I got was this crappy t-shirt.”

Donut? Looks more like a bowl of petunias to me.

“Oh no! It’s the Bat-Truck! We’re done for unless we turn anywhere!”

Same. :( It’s a texture thing — it feels blubbery and mushy to me. Whenever we go to Thanksgiving Eve buffet, I ask for the end cut of the prime rib — still sinfully tender and beefy but not bleeding and poke-able and jiggly. Nobody seems to believe me, but there are ways to cook steak a little more and still have it

Actually, when deconstructed, the transaction is far simpler: I’m paying him money to cook food that I will then consume. He can judge me all he wants, as long as the meat on my plate looks like I envisioned it when I placed the order. I am not doing it out of spite or to purposely “offend” him with my “rudeness”. I

This is why I stay away from ordering steaks and other grilled meats at restaurants. I like to know that my food is COOKED, and I’m sure I would offend the chef.

I thought he was the reincarnation of Ned Stark.