
Having read the original content and then the updated content where ever did it say that the character being talked about was ever sleeping with a transsexual of any kind. It was clearly stated to be a man and nothing else, is it a bad joke, interpretation, someone clearly thought it was funny otherwise they never

That seemed a bit hostile don't you think.

I suppose in the current environment that is probably true, well the Cammy one is pretty cool she looks more like a soldier at least.

Is this artist not aware that Morrigan is a succubus and that is what a succubus is, sex appeal. Clearly she does not understand this particular character at all.

Of note Superman Returns erased Superman 3 and 4 and no one complained about that other than the fact that Superman Returns was not a true Superman movie.

Actually either is correct so her name isn't something to get upset over. Hironobu Sakaguchi himself even stated this that her name in either instance is correct so your anger is misplaced over her name.

A lot of it has to do with the notion that a lot of Western gamers won't appreciate certain types of games. It isn't so much an argument as a belief that not every game will sell outside of Japan unless it is a well known title. If more games like this are to come over those gamers outside of Japan need to make their

Monolith Soft made the Xenosage games while owned by Bandai Namco, Bandai Namco actually owns the IP to the series. When they sold off their share of Monolith Soft to Nintendo they didn't sell any of the IP's that were developed by Monolith Soft just the company. Which is why Bandai Namco is considering a XenoSage HD

Already got edited.

Those 6.3 million units are over the course of the WiiU's life time since it was released. XB1 units are over a six month period. Ubisoft is the only developer supporting the WiiU but without a larger install base there is no reason for them to release games for the system. They are in the business of making money not

I'm also going to add Beyond Two Souls. Quantic Dream makes movies not games and both of their games sucked to me. You barely control anything in those games and I never finished as I just gave up on how slow and annoying they were.


I work in retail and if an item isn't selling that item will be marked down until it is sold if not it gets marked down to a penny removed from shelves and destroyed. If there is an overabundance of the same item we usually transfer it to another store that can sell it otherwise said item is just destroyed. It is

I would say Alabama is more backwoods than Georgia. There is no sister fucking in Georgia as there is in Alabama.

Doomsday was never retconned that way he was always a Kryptonian super weapon. Superman will never kill Doomsday as Doomsday can never be killed the same way twice. Dropping him into a volcano will only work once. Doomsday will always be a match for Superman and pretty much every other superhero out there. The best

Gearbox isn't actually responsible for Duke Nukem they got the rights and put it out. 3D Realms spent over a decade on that game and it took Gearbox to get it out. Yes it wasn't that great but it wasn't completely horrendous as people are making it out to be. As for Colonial Marines yeah that could have been better,

I believe the word you are looking for for hating another nation is xenophobia.

It looks fantastic but it is still not going to make me go out and buy a Wii U.

They need to play Battletoads and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles then they can see what frustration and rage is all about.

Why do people care so much about what a critic says anyway. Is a review from IGN, Kotaku or anywhere determines what game you buy that much. If that is case too many people don't have a brain and can't decided for themselves what game to purchase or play. That is a sad realization that it takes a critic to decide for