
Oh don't eeeeeven go there with me, OK? Maybe you need to find another site? I have no idea what you're posting here or what this nonsense is all about. I just don't know. If you are suggesting that we don't write about rape, I would suggest you look here.

Along with a proper understanding of Christianity perhaps? Emphasis on proper.

I can see why this might be uncomfortable for people, and obviously y'all should do what feels right (I probably wouldn't personally choose to Youtube this but I might make such a video)...but I find it interesting that our replies reflect so many disgusted, detached and even violent reactions/perceptions of birth and

When I was 15 (26 years ago) and babysitting a two year old, her mother offered the birth video for me to watch; not at all in a "scare you from birth" way, but in a "want to see something awesome your body can do" way and that along with my mother's description of my birth, gave me no fear when I had my first child

Thank you both for not having the crowd mentality that she's ruining the world. I never was a fan of hers either, and I'm still not really, but two things happened: I heard some of her music (mostly live stuff and covers) that I really liked, and I got sooooo sick of everyone in the media insulting her. Especially the

Something is seriously wrong with me, because even with this tasteless roofie joke, I still like Miley Cyrus (and I am not a leftover fan from her teen days- couldn't stand her then).

I think that's the part people don't really understand.

Heavily tattooed professional here. No one I work with knows I am tattooed, or am completed sleeved. I dress modestly and keep it professional. Tattooed people aren't always about being on display.

Yeah, giving $3000 to a stranger = total douchebag move.

Yeah, problems occur when you stick something up your ass and there's no way to get it out. Luckily, dicks are usually attached to people.

Does it not feel good when someone responds negatively to something you wrote? Huh, that's weird.

Another Jezebel reader and I were discussing a hilarious meme for the comment section in which we take the game Operation and photoshop out the labels "bread basket" and "spare ribs" and substitute the phrases "x-shaming," "intersectional fail," "x-privilege" and so forth. Whenever someone shrieks in the comment

But dammit, I want to be loved in a hyperbolic way by internet strangers (I would say specifically you, but that's #problematic).

Actually, the proof of the pudding is in the eating ;-)

I was just coming down here to say the exact same thing.

Yup, you're a jerk.

A former coworker is a Sikh who wears a turban. He was at an anti-poverty protest once, when a woman with a Central European accent came up to him and after chatting a bit started asking about his turban. After he explained that he was Sikh, she said "No offense, but you look like a terrorist."

Without missing a beat

I hope he dies in agony and burns in hell. I hope, will his evil family is trying to mourn that someone pickets his funeral, disrespects their grieving, and turns in his funeral into a circus side show so that they have no privacy and no piece. Even if all that comes to pass, it is more than any of these soulless

AND HOW! Jezebel CALLS ITSELF A FEMINIST SITE and yet here they are, promoting unrealistic body images and making us all feel like shit about ourselves.

You're bullying the poor Christian majority!!!