Also, those skirts are set at the NATURAL waist line. I hated the whole trend of low waisted skirts back in the early aughts because it is hard to get a skirt to stay in place if the waist line is set at your hip bones. Also, not as flattering!
Is that how most of Kanye's songs sound? Because god damn that is disjointed and not pleasant to listen to >_>
That's how burlesque works...
In the interest of being objective, Jesse Williams is a beautiful man, but I think it's clear from the books Finnick is supposed to be white, just like Rue is most definitely black. Finnick has bronze hair, and tan skin- a descriptor that is used exclusively in Western media with respect to white people (I'm not…
I always saw a scotch-Irish boy when I read Finnick.
I dunno.. zip ties can also be used as handcuffs, right? Sooooo...
John Smith is YUMMY, but, um ... did the Peter Pan one make anyone else feel like a pedophile?
"I'm going to start my OWN Senate, and we're going to be the BEST!"
I think that would involve less "Ah oui.." and more "Putain BORDEL de MERDE!"
My boss just admitted to smoking crack , yesterday.
I liked the rolly kid's assessment of why all states should legalize gay marriage. What if you don't want to live in that state with tornadoes but you're a guy who wants to marry a guy?!
Sorry guys but I don't believe you can use Religion as a scapegoat for everything.
I hesitate to blame religion. Why? Because it's like saying that a tool is the blame for something.
"A lot of old men, apparently religious, seem to want to control the bodies of young women. Why is that?"