
No way that commercial was shot in 1980. Mike Ditka wasn't even the coach of the Bears in 1980 (he was an assistant with the Cowboys), so I'm pretty sure that he wasn't getting national endorsement deals back then.

My guess is 1987 or 1988- the Redskins reference is probably a joke about the Skins knocking the Bears

At least she got the lyrics right.


I felt the same way about TV news stations' coverage of DC area sports. It went downhill after the late, great Glenn Brenner died. I wonder if Glenn would have ended up on PTI were he still alive. He was infinitely better than Wilbon and Kornheiser were in their prime.

That reporter (Kate Amara) is also infamous for accidentally saying "cunt wounds" instead of "cut wounds" on the air- which occasionally gets played on The Howard Stern Show.

You are mistaking Triplette for Phil Luckett. Luckett was demoted sometime after the Thanksgiving Day OT coin toss fiasco.

In the mid-1990s, the sports columnist for the local newspaper in Annapolis, MD accidentally typed the n-word in his column about a black Navy basketball player. He intended to write that the player was looking forward to "bigger and better things" after he graduated from the Naval Academy, but he hit the "n" key

...or when their asshole fans throw piss bags at them.


It sounds like a Foster Brooks routine.