
I keep hoping someone will Truman Show him. Build him a set ( he doesn’t like being outside anyway) and manage his media feed. He won’t know the difference.

This would be hilarious or suspenseful if it were a TV show. As it is it is horrifying.

I Feel like this gif will not be not applicable anytime soon

He was free to say whatever he wanted, but he knew the consequences especially if he’s a D-list celebrity.

The 3000 dollar loss is peanuts compared to what he’s going to lose if and when he needs to find a new real life job.

Let’s clarify something here real quick for the folks crying “but mah Free Speech!”

The First Amendment only indemnifies you from government retribution for speech that does not cross into criminal territory (inciting a riot, shouting “fire” in a crowded theater, etc). In other words, you can say, “Government

If something isn’t okay to say offline it shouldn’t be online either. I am all for this.

I - not sarcastically - am. You are provided no guarantee of quarter from social penalties. Act like a bitch, society may slap you like a bitch. Free speech is only protected from government oppression and inordinate (read: already illegal) societal oppression such as assault.

IM american and I dont understand . so please continue

Which doesn’t prohibit her from asking a question. Ask away, Gabrielle.

How transparent of you to say that from a legit question. Even non-Americans have a right to know our country’s incompetence.

Because our country was built on an ancient Indian burial ground and it’s finally coming back to haunt us.

that’s the name of the rabbit, right

Ya, unfortunately I got excited for nothing. =/ I hope he ports it over.

MacGyver could build an epipen out of an old milk container and a #2 pencil

rumour has it there was a circumcision option in the beta, but it was cut.

Last I checked there was no script extender for the EE, so a lot of mods just aren’t possible to port yet.