
This is why I won’t be playing anytime soon. I’m buying and playing the game to get the cool looking armor. I’m not paying a 70-dollar fee to then buy a 20-dollar skin, thanks.

I’ll check this out down the road when the game is on sale for Black Friday at 20 or 30 bucks. I fucking hate battle/season passes and cosmetic

lmao sadly “Canon is a fool’s stricture” is a 100% Linda Codega original phrase, and sadly I’ve wasted it in the dek of an io9 blog.

guess i’ll repeat what i always do;

You know what I’ve found as I get older? The more developers try to out of their way to create an endless gameplay loop, the less likely I am to engage with it. Give me a solid game that is just fun to play, don’t force me into unskippable cutscenes upon repeated playthroughs of the story, and I’ll put 300 hours into

I hope Kinja didnt make this the size of a monitor...

I read more about this on Mastadon this morning. Remember, Twitter bought this guy’s company. He chose to have his payments made as salary so that Iceland could get the full tax. But even being let go, I’m sure Twitter still owes him for the purchase of his company. Nobody would enter into an agreement where the buyer

No, this is cringe.

I liked the musical allusions, but there were so many of them, so quickly, it almost makes me worry this is the only scene where they do that. Because if they did the same thing elsewhere, it feels like they’d run out of highly-recognizable Mario music in like five minutes.

God, the orchestral versions of the classic mario themes sound incredible. This movie might be genuinely good 

OK I forgot him that’s def one more. 

Alan Moore is rolling in his coffin.

So it will just be a jailbroken android phone that he buys cheap from a place in china then slaps an Elon logo on then?

Man, I would love if they brought back this Spider-Jerk with the Uncle Ben that survived!

I wish Bill Murray would throw him in a trash can

No. That pithy statement excuses people from thinking, because it implies that there is never anything that’s actually true.

Loved the episode overall - a lot of fun. I really wish they had gone a different route with Josh though. I was hoping for a double fakeout of Intelligencia having grabbed him as opposed to him just being an operative.

Also it was very frustrating that, at no point, did Jen think to ask Wrecker who he was working for. 

What’s weird is that for so many people, the actual gameplay and mechanics aren’t going to decide whether this will be a buy.  The real question is going to be how this ends up getting monetized.  Because if there’s even a hint of gameplay mechanics like gear, upgrades, or skills getting monetized, then this game will

Maybe just maybe we can take this moment in history to remind everyone that anybody who declares themselves a king over others is the villain of the story, not the hero.