It's set after an apocalypse, that's why. :/
It's set after an apocalypse, that's why. :/
Had this happen earlier
I think you mean
I have no opinion either way when it comes to LoL, but can't you use stats to prove anything?
It's possible that anyone who didn't do that in the demo is dead inside...
*Uses grappling hook*
[You must wait 30 seconds before firing grappling hook again]
My expectations were really high (even in light of the screenshots, since they could have been from a earlier version), but your post has made me adjust them.
I know the tweet you showed in from last year, but I really hope they listen, or that they already have and those leaked pictures are old.
I found a semi-useful way of dealing with SAM sites...
In reply;, no it is not!
That makes me sad :(
Encase anyone is interested Just Cause 2 is currently £2 on Steam. £3 with DLC.
I really hope the Aircannon is back, I loved grappling things to other things then blowing them away. Also unbreakable grapple, bring that back too!
It really is, isn't it!
It's so fake though! (the accent)
Adam Hills (Australian comedian) said that the Australian accent is just a cockney accent slowed down by the heat...
That's a nice Texas flag you've got there...