By writing what you wrote?
By writing what you wrote?
Master Hand was also unplayable...start glitching/hacking people!
I still say Pikachu will get a Mega over Raichu...just so Ash wont have to evolve it.
I can't get into Adventure time, but Bravest Warriors is the dickens!
Nerd alert, I think that's the wrong sound effect for Sonic springs...
Was that the Teen Exorcist guy?
Probably wont happen, I personally think Mega Pikachu will get released eventually, since that way Ash can keep his precious Pikachu :/
Any word on when the demo codes are being sent out for the UK, I know some people have got it already (not sure which region though)
I think you mean Watergate-gate
What/who's Malkin? Sorry for my ignorance, I'm not american.
Kinda-sorta off topic, Is Adam Baldwin the one who has an issue with gay people?
Wait..."Melodies of life, la la la la la"
Damnit, now I have this stuck in my head
"Then again, the bat cave has never really been the most "happening" place. "