
Wah?! Why is auto-aim still a thing?!?

Why does it have to be a girl? Also there were female dinosaurs, why the shock?

You and me both :/

"I will crush you!"

Could be, parents tend to get boxed after you spend hours breeding. That or released :P

It's fine, the water comes out it's mouth for some stupid reason :/

True, but I wasn't meaning origin stories (that's more suitable for the non teamup films). As for JLU I think it's fair to say people tuning into that were already familiar with the base concepts.
Sometimes us nerds take background knowledge for granted then get surprised when people are confused at what we see as

I'd love more women in the film, but I can see some issues with some of the ones mentioned.

Meaner you say

Does this mean people aren't watching TV through the Xbox?

Ah cool, sorry I'm a bit sleep deprived :D

So you agree?

That's not the end, that's just when someone else becomes the main character. (not that GoT really has one main character)

That is until they decide to let Pikachu Mega Evolve (I mean come on, the only reason it doesn't evolve in the show is because it's a one way process, ME solves that problem)

I find it odd that I'm ok with a female Link, but not a female Doctor Who*. :/

I do believe at least one character makes that mistake in game as well.

I typed the wrong name, that's all.

I haven't watched the tournament yet, but I really didn't like the bit at the beginning of Nintendo's thing yesterday where he said Miyamoto only beat him because he used Mario.