
As does any other drink with a sugar in a it. At least outside of america it wont be HFCS. :D

Depends on the game. Bunch of free to play online games on PS4, wont require PS+

Not a problem, one of my fav's, you might also like a Time of Eve, I don't recall it being "cutesy" :)

I'm also talking about that. I'm saying you got unlucky because other people took the good trades before you went looking.
The bad trades will stay there until the player removes it.

You did just...kinda spread the problem to did I by replying....

I think you just got unlucky, I traded a bred starter for the other starters, then I traded one for a Ditto (which I traded for a Japanese Ditto for good measure)

You could do a shout out, I think.

Cool, thanks for letting me know. I got one at the start from a Wonder Trade, so I just assumed they were common.

Very true, I was thinking of it's evolution, who is duel fighting/Dark

How very dare you. You know Pikachu's are self-concious about their weight.

Huh, doesn't have Pokerus, oh well least it has fairy move :)

Legend, thanks!

Chespin do you?

That would be awesome thanks!

You needed to transfer him to Pokemon Stadium, then jump through some hoops.
I never did it, but I do have all the bits to do it...hmm...maybe I should :/

Once I acquire Pokerus, I'll join you :)
I've basically just been breeding starters for people/wonder trade.

If you don't mind me asking, why Eevee? Aren't they seen in the wild now? (My breeding got in the way of my Gym membership.... only have 3 badges)

Also, the fact Pokemon aren't limited to moves of there own type. E.g Pancham is a Dark type, but can learn Surf. (or crazy-son-of-a-bitch-event Pikachu with Surf or Fly)

So while you may think your safe from the opposing Pokemon, you never know their moves till they use them :)