
In terms of world history, 70 years ago is practically yesterday. In addition, there is still a large faction of Japanese citizens who openly deny the atrocities their country committed in WWII. This would be a cultural equivalent of a holocaust denier in Germany. Though I disagree with throwing eggs at pornstars,


From what we've seen so far, procedurally generated games are only fun until the modular design of the worlds becomes transparent and repetitive. We've yet to see a game who's design is as potentially infinite as the world it creates. You can only be awed by a similar doom and gloom lava planet so many times.

Fuck it man, just sell the article as an anti PC rant. I fucking hate PC gaming just for this reason. Hell, everything I know about networking and PC maintenance came purely from the desire of wanting to play video games on PC. I used to have to make boot discs for X-wing back in the day and now I have to navigate

90% ?

With such lackluster performance they really should be running these games under a Netflix model inspiring users to buy a real digital copy of the game.

They should have an option in the menu to toggle his genitalia as "PENIS: ON or OFF", that'll settle this whole gender debate while simultaneously BLOWING MINDS.

Yeah, it's a handheld. Older tech in the palm of your hand. Shovel wear, rehashes, and shit ports. That's the glut of most handheld content.

Wow, that was an insane an generalized premise. Your implication that men don't consider women as "important enough" is sexist and offensive.

That wasn't his point. Ubisoft's main goal is to make money with this title and they intend to do that by pandering to their demographic. His point is that if you cared about feminism you'd attack the society that creates the demographic and not these ancillary outputs of that culture.

I agree that yes, one can focus

from your own article, "Millions more have eased into the gaming world via social and smartphone games, or through family interactions"

their stats seem to be including "casual games" and anybody who's ever actually played a video game. as an article on its own it's notable but in this context of triple A next gen

My Little Big Yoshi? Just kidding. That yarn aesthetic was actually trendy as hell before LBP1 came out. Michel Gondri was sort of making it notorious. It wouldn't surprise me if the aesthetic was conceptually created back then but LBP1 used the idea first.

they totally do. do you make women who run around hunched over like Conan the Barbarian or something?

well, after all of this blowback expect skin swapped female characters that run and talk like dudes.

yeah but they all look like shitty Mtn Dew commercials where the hero is an overly armored Motocross rider without a bike. shit art design doesn't look better no matter how many polys you throw at that bullshit

honestly, they're probably going to be fun for a week but beyond that limiting, restrictive, buggy, and unbalanced.

Venice Beach is a classicly perfect Romero-esque thematic backdrop.

Can we please begin naming these people who do this by name? We typically refer to these "modders" as if they are an oompa loompa mass of inevitability completely omitting the mod team or individual who turned their passion for a game into something viable for the gamers. Not one modder name or team was named in this

drink more ovaltine