
Right, which makes the animation suck. You might as well tell me that a crap covered cake doesn't taste like crap, just the crap does.

let me know when the animation in Day Z doesn't suck anymore.

sounds like retrofitted trophies

What a horrible idea. Video games are art, not toasters. Leave objective reviews for consumer products.

.. and now you're the bully. the cycle of bullying never ends!

that belongs on a stripper's ankle not on a video game case

People killing you in GTA Online is not griefing. It's called playing the game.

But hey, whatever... I mean it's "Beta" right?

Oh my god... THE WOLF IS GIVING BIRTH!!!!!!!!!!

All my best times in GT5 were when i was drunk. I'm not advocating drunk driving since i was intensely focused on my given task in the game despite being drunk. it wasn't like i was bored and driving home from the club with a sleepy drunk apathetic gaze.

Honestly, the excitement and fun is usually enough to push me through the physicality of the activity. I don't play paintball often so when I do, it's worth the extra 2 days of soreness.

wake me up when the Cyberith can detect his ponytail and render it in-game, retaining all of it's majestic glory and regal movement.

maybe arcades will run several of these units instead of renting a giant laser tag space? hopefully they do and then the idea of developing cheaper consumer models will become more popular.

life's hard. if you live it well then you'll be visiting the chiropractor. live it poorly and you'll be visiting the cardiologist. you just get to choose how to die.

awesome. i've been told that mine is photogenic so i'm all set.

if you've ever played paint ball, most of your time will be in a half squat. your thighs ache afterwards too.

yeah, but they're packed away somewhere in the garage or something

Drifting alone is actually fun as hell.

Crew Head to Head matches are now available in Beta mode. This should help to make it more interesting.