
Well some of the pushback might be because the narrative you’re proposing is pretty boring.

I don’t have a strong opinion about who they should and shouldn’t kill in the new movies, but it seems silly to object to the alleged demise of Han Solo “clearly only being done for dramatic effect.” Everything in fiction is done for dramatic effect, whether that effect seems profound, fair, cheap, glib, etc. With

You might THINK you want the adventures of a 98-year-old Han Solo running around doing things. But you really, really, really don’t.

Ok, keep me posted.

For some of us Chewbacca has been dead for 15 years.


Alright, I am a fan of that Jubilee’s costume.

We say ‘boo’. It started as a joke and by God it fucking stuck. It's embarrassing but I can't stop. It was originally boo-nana like a ghost banana but then it got out of control.

It looks like nails with wood around them. It’s probably the display of some of the “100 nails to conceal the bloody mess’ inside” of the coffins.

My impression from the comments:

Lies My Teacher Told Me by James W. Lowen and The People’s History of the United States by Howard Zinn are two very good books. Both taught me a lot of history that was very different from what I learned in school.

Pictorial is becoming my favorite part of Jezebel. I am in love with the forgotten historical mysteries (or tragedies) that become jumping off points for my own research and contemplation. Thanks Madeleine!

Good on the Watson brothers for pursuing this. While many will say “why pursue this, all the players are long dead?” It matters because the story of this country, and our history is dominated by, and driven by the power structure of the elite. We have to confront, understand and learn about the many terrible events

...and in those days , nickels had pictures of bumblebees on ‘em. “Give me five bees for a quarter,” you’d say.

Quite so.

I haven’t been able to buy a pair of Chucks since Converse stopped making the sneakers in wide widths. Hopefully with the Chuck II, someone at Converse/Nike remembers that not everyone has feet like downhill skis.

Meh, again. We had these. They were the poor man’s Converse. If you had these, you pretty much got made fun. They would also step on your feet to dirty up your shoes because they weren’t “Chucks”.

I’m soooo bummed.

Gosh, I hope there are arches in them. I had to give up Chucks because there’s no arch support. It would be great to not have to get (and fit) insoles.