Bakkster, touring car driver

Or have never bought anything other than a base model. Or they simply and completely don’t care about cars at all.

I’ve driven a base 320i as a loaner. The difference between it and a spec’d out Malibu isn’t as large, to lay people anyway, as BMW purists might hope.

They’re good clones Brent!


because companies weren’t considering doing what the author has mentioned, and when they started to toy with the idea of doing these things, the government stepped in and stopped it before it could happen

“who miraculously can’t tell a Chevy from a BMW!”

To be fair, Cracked doesn’t understand 95% of what they make articles and videos about

What he is actually saying is that it is possible to correctly calculate things (within a reasonable margin of error) that are limited in scope when assuming a flat earth. Which is likely one of the reasons why flat earth-ism is so persistent. Not understanding this doesn’t help convince flat earthers that they are

If we are then we need to consider the fact that many flat earthers just believe the earth is constantly accelerating upwards at 9.8m/s^2.

I think the point he’s making, is that since flat earthers believe in a flat earth that they do not agree with your idea (the correct idea) on how gravity works on a plane or sphere.

My point is that if I, as someone who studied physics as an undergraduate and have no real skepticism as to the general shape of the Earth and tend to trust scientists find your argument unconvincing, someone who is as distrustful of the authority of scientists as a flat earther is not going to be at all convinced.

You are making a lot of assumptions. The first assumption you are making is that the entire theory of gravity, as it is understood by physics, is at all relevant to the discussion. If these people believed that our theory of gravity were correct, they would not believe in a flat earth.

From the perspective of what this guy is attempting, there is no practical difference between a round earth and a flat earth when it comes to calculating the effects of gravity. Low altitude ballistic trajectories work just fine assuming constant acceleration orthogonal to the surface of the Earth.

I agree with you that driving is not a right, but it gets very difficult when a significant portion of the country is designed around the existence of the car.
I think more frequent and more difficult testing should be required.
Also, cops who police things other than speeding.

It’s to stop people from going to a bar and leaving the car idling while they drink...

Yes. I also frequently visit prisons to tell the inmates they are bad people who do bad things.

Great article. There are modern extrathoracic negative pressure ventilators that are comparatively small and unobtrusive. They’re phenomenally expensive to use and service, but luckily we don’t live in some kind of crazy dystopia in which only the fortunate and wealthy have access to modern medical technology and

These days, the battle is pretty much Toyota vs Le Mans. It’s always been Toyota vs Le Mans. If they win, it’s because they finally got it together and stayed ahead for the entire 24 hours. Doesn’t matter who’s in front or behind.

So basically the company is cataloging child porn.

That was a driver’s reaction, not the team’s reaction. As far as I know the team was not in the car at the time of the caption..