Bakkster, touring car driver

FIA’s website is a mess, but has copies of the regulations. While rotaries weren’t specifically disallowed like in 1992, the 2014 rules say “Only Petrol and Diesel 4 stroke engines with reciprocating pistons are permitted.” I guess they didn’t want turbine electric motors racing.

They weren’t. It’s a myth. They continued to race in other classes and even competed in LMP, the highest class at the time, in 1997.

I don’t know if they were banned again, but after Group C collapsed they came back but with air restrictors that choked them and no variable length intakes.

Neutral: Stop judging executives so harshly on quarterly results. Start looking at annual and longer performance windows instead, then adjusting their compensation accordingly — including holdbacks for certain long-term goals.

Alanis, I’m with you. Long-time NASCAR fan and not so keen on the super-bro vibe of Barstool. Sadly, NASCAR keeps trying to find a way back to 1998, though it was a much better product in the 80s and early 90s.  And, despite some of the silliness of rules-changes and other gimmickry, the racing today is better than

Alanis, this is good reporting.

This is excellent. Kudos for bringing light to it.

Its amazing how up in arms you get AFTER the fact.

good article but i weep for the amount of shit you’re going to get for it 

You’re confused. The question was, what will Fernando Alonso do?...Not, what would Brian Boitano do?

Ya boy’s goin’ to stadium super trucks for 2020

IMO, Chilton’s cars not performing well on ovals or that last sentence speak to the problem at all. The danger of ovals is simply way beyond suitable levels or risk in racing. That was the feeling everyone had when we went to Las Vegas in 2011 and it’s what everyone factually knew after we watched Dan Wheldon die.

Also most manufacturers actually end up profiting off of their customer gt3 programs. There are almost not customer GTLM programs and very little interest in them given the cost. 

Because it’s several orders of magnitude more expensive to build a GTE car than a GT3 car. Like, running in GTLM in IMSA is claimed to be more expensive than running in Prototype.

Mazel tov on being the neighborhood Shabbos goy.

Tucker would probably try to offer him a loan with 700% interest.

Funding a Le Mans team with dirty money?!??! What would Scott Tucker say?!

I’ve gotta admit, I wouldn’t want a self-driving van tootling around my neighborhood with my kids walking down the street either.  Then again, I’m not sure what good driving your car at it or trying to run it off the road would do.  Seems a simple call to their headquarters requesting they avoid your neighborhood

A similar mentality as the “truck bros” blocking Teslas? Cultural changes are hard on some. I heard there was a lot of backlash against the first automobiles 100 yrs ago as well...

That’s Waymo than I would have guessed.