

I've always wondered why large church groups always seem to be the WORST at restaurants.


Does it have to be restaurants? Cuz I got 20+ years of retail horror stories... (the tropical cockroach infestation in the bakery section of a department store is food related I suppose...)

I really wasn't planning to do another Terrible Customer Stories entry any time soon,

The fact that everyone is finally on board with the idea that the "toxin gambit" is a total crock warms my cold little MD heart :D

if you swear off Jack Daniels and spend two weeks eating celery and cucumbers instead of donuts, you'll probably feel better

As someone who got out of an abusive relationship alive and is still dealing with the ex being abusive from a distance, I'm going to weigh in on why temporary protective orders are important, even though, no, a TPO isn't going to put a physical barrier around a victim and protect them. I'm going to weigh in on why

Gonna put this here for anyone who needs it:

It does precisely jack shit except make it easier for police to identify who murdered you.


It was about ethics in gaming journalism.

Medical examiner said cause of death was the throat being crushed.

I live in Chicago without a car. I walk and take the train everywhere. Most of my friends have cars, and they so truly do not get it. They'll want to go to a 9:00 movie and don't even think about the fact that there is no way in HELL I'm getting on the train alone past 11. I really can't afford $20 cab rides, so I

It seems like there's two sets from our generation: the "I don't know anything, don't bother me with the harsh realities of life." and "We are fucking angry let's tear this shit down."

I had a guy online once tell me that women wearing earbuds while on a subway was "offputting". Um, that's the point. He then said he liked to pull them out and ask for their number. I hope some women kicked his dick.

Good - fucking good. We deserve to be caught with our asses out like this. It's about time Americans stopped trying to portray ourselves as some sort of bastion of freedom and equality.


That's it! Let's just change the name of Boston to...Pretentious.