
I think the outrage stems from being an idiot unable to understand what's actually being asked.

Thanks for posting this. Been there, done that with the TP. It's still a vicious circle, seeing as how TP is not free and heavy periods require a lot. Still, knowing how to wrap it just right is a useful living skill in general - comes in real handy with early periods and random spotting.

Yup. Sometimes without the five bucks to spend, I would unspool a bunch of toilet paper in public bathrooms.

I wonder if she'd asked, "Anyone know a country where diapers are free or subsidized," if these over-blown responders would have jumped in with the same vitriol. Very likely, they would—-because the presumption is that if anyone even asks if anything is free or subsidized, that the person is a lazy bum trying to get

Whenever I see mindlessly hateful shit like this on Twitter I always try to imagine what it would look like if their tweet were passed around to people in their lives that don't know they say such shit.

You are clearly FAAAAAAAAAR more of an adult than I am.*

I LOVE stamps and have bought these ones, as well as the Go Green stamps, the Building America stamps, and the Modern Art stamps, in the last year. I carefully pick out the correct stamp for each thing I send (especially when I can try to tick off a bigoted relative with a 1963 March on Washington stamp) and enjoyed

Oh look girls, we just got personal hygiene and proper underwear procedure mansplained to us. *eyeroll*

i bought my as a pre-emptive measure against anybody who wanted to set up a website on it with a single page that said:

This whole thing is kind of sad because Kim is just making herself look petty and is inadvertently boosting Nicki's career. She's so out of hand now that all that Nicki has to do is ignore her to come out looking better. I won't pretend I'm not biased in Nicki's favour because I didn't grow up on Kim. I learned about

This string of your articles on the main page is my jam. Nail art. Dick pouch. Erotic fiction. Naked teacher. You are doing the work my soul need done. Thank you.

I've seen some comments about "we wouldn't be saying anything if she were skinny". Fuck you, those of you who think so. It is seriously her expression. Even if you're doing it for hours, you volunteered to do it. So do it.

Read their comment and I was just like:


(updated) I'm gonna go ahead and say this may not have been okay for them to do. Look, it's good they caught him, but it matters how they found the photos.

This does not necessarily mean that a guy who works for google is sitting down, reading through all your shit, btw. They might have a string of words that an automated program looks for, and if it sets off a flag, they'll read it.


Google Image search needs to have a warning process for shit like that. You click search and if the results are completely disgusting, a message pops up that says "ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THIS ONE? BECAUSE THERE IS SOME FUCKED UP SHIT HERE." And then you can decide if you want to proceed.

This is wonderful. And if a local chapter opens up, I can tell my mother I'm going to temple with a clear conscience. Wins around.