
I missed this homework assignment... the one where we are supposed to take a really horrific, sad situation, and fill in as many imaginary details as we can in order to make it even more awful, and thus somehow feel better about it because those nasty people got what they deserved!

When people (99% of them white) say 'slavery was so long ago, get over it!' this is what I think of. Yes, slavery was a long time ago, but you know what wasn't a long time ago? Riots protesting little black kids going to school with little white kids. Black students not being allowed to attend the schools they wanted

Did anyone really need to see the picture menu of the African American woman and the white woman standing below their respective signs?

You forgot the worst one: The Dry Wedding.

"They're better people than us," says Brian Kilmeade. So are things growing on the underside of bridges.

This is what this dress looks like to me. I've been waiting for a picture of it in better light since the JLaw pictures, but seriously, she looks like a deconstructed Dalek.

Too bad this is buried in the comments because this gets my vote. Not for worst roommate, but for most intriguing. The girl casually watching hentai in public.

Is anyone else seeing these ads for The Strain on FX?! Guess i'm not coming back to jezzy today because dear god NO just NO with that weird sh*t coming out of an eyeball.

OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD THIS IS MY CHANCE! My favorite Yelp review EVER was from a guy who reviewed a Chinese spot in the San Diego Airport (already sounds delish, right?) called "Emerald Express." He was LIVID that the food was terrible, and stated that he couldn't believe it, "EMERALD LAGASSE WOULD ROLL OVER

I tend to marathon shows at work, so I get that message at least once a week. You know what, Netflix? I fucking do want to watch 7 straight hours of Supernatural. You don't know my life!

You shut your mouth, Turbo is a work of art. SAMUEL L.JACKSON. AND SNOOP DOGG. VOICE SNAILS.

Heh. My dad has eaten dog ice cream before because he thought it was the ice cream in the little cups.

Aww, Phoenix, you underestimate the unAmerican readership. There's loads of people around the world looking at a way-too-quiet internet today. It's like Hogwarts at Christmas around these parts... seems really empty without the usual hordes, but there's still a good gang around. And maybe Mrs Weasly will knit us

I'm right there with you, it's chilly and raining in Philly right now, so I'm spending most of the day rewatching Carnival on Amazon and hoping the whether clears out by nightfall. Although I am loving the ten degree difference in temperature. I am not built for 100 degree days.

Mark, are you by any chance coming off a gig at Sick, Sad World?

I give this comment five MeowMeowBeenz.

Now playing

Something to wash away the disgusting feelings this story is giving everyone! Lord help the mister who comes between me and my sister.

I feel like this is now an acceptable response to the more ridiculous comments on Jezebel. EXCUSE YOU, I'M A VERY IMPORTANT PERSON. I SELL MONOGRAMMED COFFEE THERMOSES.