
I feel I should brag about the cross stitch I made for my brother a few years ago


Right, I think they're gorgeous. There was a fire in the distance at another wedding I went to and the photographer took it as a great backdrop opportunity as well. It produced some amazing colors in the sky but the fire isn't visible. I'd say this is very "for better, or worse" - so awesome.

Not at all. Also, I predict lots of "No really, the fire wasn't photoshopped in, it really happened!" from the couple to dubious acquaintances.

I'm a big fan of making lemonade from lemons. Most wedding photos are staged and awkward looking. This is stunning - and, I think, a decent metaphor for marriage, LOL. You'll have to get through some fires together, for sure. May as well start on Your Big Day.

They have a "the world is ending but all we care about is our love" feel to them that makes them really, really beautiful.

And don't forget Maureen from the original cast of Rent and the movie!! (Most people have heard of Rent, right? And that goddamned song.)

RuPaul looks flawless. Water is wet. Fire is hot.

She's just... she's just so pretty. I mean I realize that statistically it makes sense that if you make enough people, at least one of them will turn out to be this beautiful AND have an angelic yet powerful voice, but I'm still just perpetually like... wow.

It sounds like you got lucky with your minimum wage jobs. Any I've work in only had regular raises or none at all. And sometimes promotions aren't available.

Jesus Christ man, let us recover from The Fault in our Stars first.

I'll spare myself of responding to every stupid fool in the comments. Here, this is what I say to you:

Where can I get me some star-shaped nipple-stickers?

I just want to wear them every day under my clothes, like it's my own naughty secret that I have starry tits.

And where are the pictures of sons with their moms? Oh, that's right. Religious people don't give two shits if boys sleep with half the girls in the country, but GOD FORBID a girl sleep with ONE boy before marriage, then her value as a human being takes a nose dive.

So I just gagged a little(okay a lot). Like dry heave noises over here. And I eat questionable things all the time.

Chipotle already does this and it's, obviously, epic.

Just to be explain-y for the commentariat because you beat me to the comment:

As a Taco Bell enthusiast, I am pretty excited for this.

I've seen people ask for this at Chipotle with my earliest sighting in 2012. It always elicits groans from the first person in the burrito line and eye rolling from everyone who follows.* I'm looking forward to trying the Taco Bell bastardization.