
"People equate "white" with "American."

It's like all the meanness in Canada is one concentrated nightmare of a person.

One time Britney Spears

A few years ago, when DC first legalized same-sex marriage, I was getting a suit tailored. As I was waiting getting my pants measured, I was talking to the lady who ran the place and asked "'s business going?"

Her eyes IMMEDIATELY lit up, and she said "You have no idea how amazing business is now that

I needed groceries badly on friday, but I refused to go shopping because of the insanity. I ordered a pizza!

YEAH? Well what about THIS lamb?

Because people are sheep. And not cool sheep like this one:

My grandmother wants to trade her 47 inch HD TV (or whatever the newest is called) for a 55 inch ($688) but she acted really offended when I told my mom I wanted a $125 pair of Chloe sunglasses I saw. At Saks OFF 5th of to boot! Excuse me, at least on sale sunglasses make more sense than a 5th ipad thing. Give me

It's because sheeple.

I've had the same TV for ...8 years. It's ancient.

I just wish people would stop reshopping that old 2008 article about the Walmart employee getting trampled in Long Island. We have enough sad, pitiful, and disgusting stories now to be "entertained" by.

It's about securing bragging rights for saving 50 bucks on a TV - a feat that'll impress friends and relatives for, oh, 20 seconds.

Well, people need MOARRR TVs. One for the bedroom, one for the man cave, one for the kitchen, one for the home office, one for the kid's bedroom, one of the hallway, one for the garage.

I can't back this up because I can't remember where I saw it, but I read somewhere that more U.S. homes have T.V.s than have bathtubs.

Right? Every year I wonder what these people are buying and the answer always seems to be TVs. I just read an article quoting some random shopper who was replacing a TV he bought LAST YEAR.

There's this wonderful place where all the prices are just as low and it involves no human contact.

Especially since the same deals will be available the week before the Super Bowl. If you need to upgrade wait 8 weeks and avoid the craziness.

"Come At Me Bro, She Wrote"