“Car enthusiasts are a deeply miserable lot, almost endemically unhappy about everything...”
But have you seen Jordan Taylor’s twitter interview?
Well I agree with you on one thing... No way in hell would I pay 34k for one of those. That's absurd.
Chill, child.
I’ve been to 43 states, and Colorado is BY FAR the most beautiful. Road tripping around that state would be enough for me.
Jon: When I was a junior in high school I was a convenience store clerk at a truck stop. I had to clean pubes and blood off in the showers.
Don’t sweat it, man, your car functions on a similar principle to the leaking fuel of an SR-71. The trick is just to keep your car moving so fast that the heat from the friction will keep all those fluids sealed away! What could go wrong?
I miss Dent Sport Garage.
Not only is he an awesome driver, he also used to run one of the best Subaru shops on the East Coast, Dent Sport Garage. And drove a 2JZ swapped Mitsu Pajero as a daily. Alex is quite a character
You can’t put all the blame on “Boomers”.
Oh, and here’s another guess:
Did you just try and compare rape to stream sniping a video game. Jesus fucking christ, just when I thought you couldn’t get any dumber, you go ahead an post a comment like that.
Did you really just compare something like screen watching to rape. wow, fuck right off you stupid piece of shit.
It’s entirely possible to be 100% financially responsible and scraping through life at the same time.
I’d suggest the swerve may have been reaction to a jolt/noise. It’s possible the car didn’t even know there was a bike there in the first place and just gut reaction swerved when it happened. Can’t really tell from the video. I’ve seen enough tunnel vision drivers that if they got a hit to their vehicle coming out…
Rusty Cage - It is a great “sneaking out late at night so you can rage with your friends” song. The first 20 seconds are pushing your car down the drive way so you don’t wake up your family and the rest of the song is just aggressive angst.