
As someone with a lot of time commitments (work and kids) the odds of having multiple friends (most of which have kids) with a free block of time at the same time I do is pretty slight. Plus the shitty nature of Destiny at release meant most of them stopped playing pretty quickly.

Heroes wear two types of capes. Those that cover their backs and those that cover the backs of their heads.

This is not the outcome I wanted, but it is the outcome we have reached. That is how democracy works.

This is why I read the comments section.

Sadly, he had no idea what to do when he reached third base

The biggest problem with the rogue system is in how it determines who is at “fault” for an engagement. You detailed this a little bit above with the people trying to jump into your line of fire. But I think a big reason why nobody is going rogue is the way the timer works. If I go rogue and kill, say, one guy, I

I’m with the librarian about Point #2. You can’t expect a library to get rid of all the children’s books with subtle sexist messages. Even if the library just got rid of all the books with OVERT sexist messages, it wouldn’t carry any European fairy tales. (Except Hansel and Gretel. Gretel’s a badass.) I think the

Oh the scarfs. During the beta I found a shemagh in the dark zone. A mother-f-ing shemagh! You know how fly I’d look in chaotic Mid Town with a shemagh?! Of course you do. So I grabbed some other loot and went to call in a chopper to get this sweet ass scarf decontaminated so I could got get my tier-1 on. I spent a

This isn’t even a question. Because odds are you get a super fly turtle neck or windbreaker in return for a soda, or if the gods truly bless you, a scarf. Fashion, is the ultimate endgame in the division. Sooner you all realize this at kotaku. The better.

I’m sure it’s been said before, and I realize that it’s a punchline, but it boggles my mind that there are people on here that still honestly believe they’re going to be able to pick up a low mileage RS for cheap in a few years. If you look at any of its competitors (yes, even the Golfer), they all tend to hold value

Now playing

When I was little I dreamed of playing a Star Wars game like this, but all I had was...

World at War holds up!

It cost $10-20k to paint a full 100,000 sq. ft. factory/warehouse here in the north east. We just had one of our facilities painted a month ago, and it included prep work. If it really does cost $500k, you’re getting royally screwed.

At this point, perhaps every team should STFU.

People like you are the reason people, despite the myriad information and resources out there, still make bad decisions with their money.

You can’t put that out as blanket advice. As mentioned above and discussed extensively in one of the articles linked up there, there are times when it makes sense to finance even though you have the cash.

So you broke it and bitched because they wouldn't fix it for free. Riiiiiight.

to sum it up;

The joy of watching your mini-me learn and grow and chase his/her passions is worth far more than $250k.