
I think we're on the same side. It is ridiculously cheap not to include the tach. I just think the average non-car person is clueless and even if there was a tach they wouldn't do anything until the dumb check engine light came on. Heck, how many people are driving around with the check engine light on and don't

What the hell is "Wait" for?! Water in fuel gauge too... wow, that is a very specific one. Why not a oil in coolant gauge?

Have to disagree. You and I want one because we're car people. Most normal people could care less as they don't drive anywhere close to redline. I owned a manual car for year without a tachometer and got along just fine.

Are you saying you need a tach to diagnose rough idle, etc.? I would argue that you don't being a car guy. The average non-car person wouldn't notice something was amiss even with a tach. Heck, I had a manual with no tach for years and got along just fine.

Absolute pet peeve of mine that modern cars have crap materials for parts that you interact with almost constantly. Bad steering wheels and seats are inexcusable in a modern car.

Apparently all those gauges didn't help! Should of had a Ferrari symbol lit with fake fire or something...

Oh trust me, we're on the same page. Charger is doing okay at 68000 for the year by October. Not exactly like you see a lot of them out on the road. The 300 is doing even worse with only 48000 (dated as heck too). I wouldn't say they are burning up the charts. Oh how I wish that American car companies would put a

Yes, but people are dumb and think 'snow' tires are only for deep snow.

Oh, you better not tell us 'mericans that we need snow tires!!?!? People just don't get it here...

Actually a FWD car with the engine in the front is the best car to combat understeer for the average person. Press brake, load front end and drive appropriately. The problem with understeer is most people don't know how to correct it.

I thought that was the goal of the Impala? Yes, they don't have a V8, but again that is what Cadillac is for. There isn't a lot of evidence to validate that a cheap V8 basic sedan will sell well. Those days are LONG over...

I like your thinking but you're dreaming if you think the SS will sell well here in America. Very cool car but there is no way a $45k muscle Chevy sedan will sell well. People will buy Cadillacs instead.

I realize this is a 'nice' picture of a cute fuzzy dog, but I was horrified when I first saw it. All I can see is another 'eye' stating at me where the dog's ear overlaps the body... just to the upper right of the eye. Seriously, does no one else see it?! Ahhhhhh, I cannot unsee it, like some nightmarish Lovecraft

While there is no link so I cannot confirm, I would think that chart you are referencing is based on averages. I would be willing to bet Yamauchi is well above the average person in terms of fitness.

I'll agree with Raphael. I disliked Loeb when he was winning so much in WRC... racing for 2nd really isn't as exciting. Yes, I knew I was watching some amazing talent but part of it was definitely the car (the Citroen was amazing), and it really killed some of the excitement for me.

Considering the pole appears to be in the middle of the car... I hate to say it, but it looks like they were having too much fun on a public road. RIP

That explains a lot. The whole thing just seems dumb to me.

Perhaps I'm missing something, but I have to ask, why? I'm failing to see the benefits of this system. It doesn't seem like it would move forward very efficiently. VTOL is great but doesn't mean much if you're not efficient going forward (hence the complexity of the Osprey).

My God, I just realized it is called iamauto... wow

I would imagine for a 'vanity' car that this has to be on the list, right?