Using a Maserati as an example, hardly supports your opinion. Look at everyday cars...
Using a Maserati as an example, hardly supports your opinion. Look at everyday cars...
Which don't even remotely go with the rest of the car. Sorry, but this thing is a hot mess and even if they go into production, the car will look not even close to this turd.
Are you sure about that? All I ever see is stupid 20+" wheels on a concept...
Thank goodness someone finally has some sense to not chrome the heck out of the front end. I would be willing to bet that is one of the reasons why so many people like it. Modern full size trucks are hideous with all the chrome!!
I has an interesting encounter with Sir Jackie when I was young. Back in 1988 or around there up at the Montreal F1 race (Senna won, IRC). My uncle was an amateur racer when he was younger (even was semi-pro in the UK for a couple of years) and of course was with us at the race. His racing idol is Sir Jackie…
Different headlights thankfully... I must say I'm curious.
Generally, I agree with you but I think stating that AWD is overrated is incorrect. I think it is more appropriate to state that AWD and 4WD are misunderstood by the general public.
Looks like the bottom of the tub; back shelf behind the seats is in the bottom left.
Bravo! Just walk away...
One of the best anti-heroes and car in any movie. Was it appropriate for that movie? Hell no, from a practical standpoint. But holy chowder was that car awesome. I can hear that blower starting up in my head right now...
I'm not sure why we should feel bad because this idiot's life, as you say, will be ruined. He flagrantly broke the law, then had the audacity to post it online and start bragging. Hey, if you want to skirt around the law you should be able to accept the consequences. I feel ZERO remorse for this guy especially…
Whoa... that is a crazy lap that he just completed in his shorts!
You do realize that the decal is there, right? Look closely
W O W! All I can picture is a team of cat drag racers working on their mini car on a mini drag strip. Why hasn't someone created this yet?!!?
I hate to say it but I'm questioning the mileage on this one. The seats look well used or exposed to the elements at least. I would be VERY wary of this one. CP all the way. If you're going to pay $9k for a miata with ~240 miles it better look it!
Holy cow! Even though there are guard rails I would imagine any accident at those speeds would not end well for the driver. Brass, yeah folks, that is what they're made of.
While I understand it is someone's opinion you give a car that can reach 0-60 in 3.7 seconds an 8/10?! So because 2-3 street cars can beat it in that test, it gets knocked down to an 8. Wow, people are really getting jaded with power in a car.
Yea, fantastic car but that was almost painful to watch!
First thing I thought of as well!
Looks like a mom and calf. It appears the calf is the super curious one as the mom is hanging off. Makes sense as the young animals generally overcome their fear of the unknown because they are so curious. Mom, "I already know I can't eat it, so I'll let the young one have some fun."