
I agree with you there. Although, I've always hated her movies more than the actress herself so I've always been on the fence about it.

Please, Nintendo, simply make all of the Japanese special edition 3DS and 3DS XLs available in North America and Europe as well!

I guess I can kind of see it now. It's still a much stronger Last of Us impression with me, though. And that's not a bad thing.

TRUE. I was wetting my pants all over thinking this was a Mushishi movie.

I hear you on that.


Oh Comic-con...


I'm actually incredibly heartbroken right now. I grew up in Waco and left for New York at 18. My mom still lives there. My best friends live all over Texas. Women. Men who have women they love. Women and men I've known from childhood.


I disagree whole heartedly about the By Men about Men for Men bit.

I want to become famous so I can make a 7 minute long "music video" where I'm dressed in sweats and a T-shirt while hot, naked men with tattoos dance and writhe around me. Is that wrong, or is that only right?

I think you don't understand the way society works, specifically the concept of priveledge. I'm not attacking you or calling you an ignorant idiot or anything, trust me I thought the same thing for a while, but now it makes sense to me.

if this bed's a rockin' ...your downstairs neighbours will want to skin you alive.

I actually shot the doctor in the kneecap. I figured, in that setting, his abilities are all the more rare and all the more needed. But the game would have none of that shit. Shot him in the leg, and his entire body instantly falls over, limp. Thanks game.

As a Muslim, nothing makes me angrier than reading about so-called "fundamentalists" wanting to stop girls from learning. If they're so interested in the fundamentals, maybe they should go back to the religion's source the Quran and read about how important education is, or to Islamic history and read about the female

Heather, that's exactly the point! Men don't have to pass a minimum standard of entry to call themselves geeks, but they expect women to. I can't count the number of times I've been accosted at a sci-fi convention or in a comic book shop by some guy or guys and 'tested' on my knowledge of the minutiae of whatever

I freaking LOVE beards. And if it's a beard/glasses combo, my panties hit the floor.

All I can draw is this


Clickers. Clickers as far as the eye can see.