
Perfect analogy. Accurate in both shape and delight factor.

I am so fucking fine with replacing the Cabinet with a coven.

Yes, also I want her to slap me.

But the bad part is the deadline for absentee ballots is when the sun riches a midpoint on the astral plane, upon the 12th hour of the summer solstice.

This woman is now President of MY HEART

Somewhat related but the fact that Kim & Kanye’s house looks like a mausoleum will never stop infuriating me.

Most of the men on both sides of my family live long, curmudgeonly lives while their wives - good, lovely human beings - are prone to early deaths in their 40s-50s. I’m convinced I’m related to McConnell in some regard because of it. He’s got the cockroach gene.

See I totally forgot she was in Season 1.

Here’s me being kind of dumb, but how does the tweet get labeled controversial/offensive/rule-break-y/etc? Is it after a certain number of users report it?

OK, if this is true then I stand corrected.

Oh, I’ll fuss at white women plenty. I say as a white woman.

I guess my qualm is that, as with most questions (and I’m not naive enough to be surprised by this), most candidates just listened for prompt words to launch on some tangentially related platform or sweeping saga about their childhood.

You’re too smart for me. :(

I’m not running for political office, but basically cannon --> sun.

This is why I got so frustrated watching the debates last night: no one had a good answer for what to do with Mitch McConnell, who is a bigger, realer threat than the bloviating fat fuck in the White House.

Oh my god I felt like I was watching a car accident with that. You literally saw what little chance he had smoldering in flames behind his irises, right inside his head. Ouch.

Completely agree, especially since his supporters would be 100% on board with something like this.

As a Marylander, I am going to own this guy as the Joe Biden of the BWI/Bawltymore/New Carrolton stretch of our Amtrak line. And then vote for whoever the fuck beats him, like my cat.

Me me me! ... is hoping for that ticket!

Also there was no way he was watching; some sycophant supervising him from a chair chortled out to him that the mic problem was happening and he should definitely tweet about it.