
Just finished watching the Dem Debates where like half the immigration questions were posed in Spanish and like half the candidates could answer them fluently. I can’t wait (and I hope that it’ll happen) till this happens in the Presidential Debates.

There was absolutely no reason for it other than the cheeky Dorian connection. I give Pose docks where docks are due, and this was one of them.

Yeah, the way she over-enunciates her “T”s and her weird faux-New England-aristocracy accent feels really forced and awkward (like, high school play production awkward).

Kay so this is my first time watching a primary debate (because this is the first time I’ve actually felt like the next presidential election could save or end my life and I AM LITERALLY SELF IMMOLATING) but same. Klobuchar’s closing statement was all about (beating) Trump (in the counties where it matters) and that

I now imagine Trump screaming out “Ahoy-hoy?!” every time he sends a tweet.

it still strikes me as odd that everyone seemed to agree, without questioning, that the best thing to do with the body was to keep it in her closet

I’m picking up what you’re laying down, and I definitely feel that way sometimes with Elektra. Her character sometimes feels like TOO MUCH of a character, but usually I’m just too busy enjoying watching her to care.

I was on a business trip in rural Kentucky/Tennessee last October and had the same experience. Granted, I saw a lot of racism (sorry...) but not one Trump sticker or breath of anything political.

Who on this show do you think is a bad actor? Genuinely curious. The only one I would dump is Damon; I think everyone else is fantastic.

I don’t know how I feel about the Angel/Papi thing. This season so far has been setting them up as these two close-knit, playful siblings and I really enjoy that dynamic. It’s given Angel a chance to unwind after all the Stan drama and just be a kid again. I never saw Papi’s support of her modeling career as a

I feel you on the laziness and simplicity of the writing; I felt the same way about the immediate nosedive into ACT UP in the season premiere (it felt too soon and the characters all seemed a little too bright-eyed and unconcerned).

I remember reading this story; it was so unbelievably fascinating. Then I went back and watched her scenes in Paris is Burning (and one horrifically tone-deaf-in-the-early-90s-way appearance on Joan Rivers’ talk show) and kept thinking “THAT BITCH IS LIVING WITH A BODY IN HER CLOSET, MY GOD SHE IS SAVAGE.”

Oh my god yes

John who

I think this administration and Trump himself prefers that it’s a woman. They seem to be the go-to spokesgender of choice when it comes to lying with a straight face. And even with the fatwa on press briefings Trump still carts out SHS and Kellyanne for interviews. I don’t know if it’s because Trump likes seeing

Ashley I cannot wait for your review of Dallas BBQ.

Pffffffft. No way; that just sounds like someone trying to disown any kind of AIDS association. When you write an entire allegory for late 20th century American history and then stick something like Jenny’s mysterious illness in there, contracted in the mid-80s after years of unprotected sex and intravenous drug use,

To be fair, and as a former New Yorker, the city has closed entire blocks of Times Square and filled them with picnic seating. So if you’re a tourist who wants to stop and gawk there are express spots to do that that are better than on a busy sidewalk or right in front of a Subway entrance.