
My ex boyfriend in college lived relatively close to Times Square (or close enough that every date we went on was a movie at the AMC or Regal and then a meal at one of these gaudy restaurants), so I’m very excited for this series.

Sorry, but no. He was a flailing, snorting maniac in the debates with Hillary, and even admitted on stage that he doesn’t pay taxes. It didn’t do a damn thing.

Don’t forget the calendars.

I love how this dude read an excerpt of an excerpt and immediately dismisses it because “not enough details.”

I think it looks very Soviet/Eastern Bloc.

I love how his answer ver batim was “we’d do both.”

Was David Broom the one with the 12-foot tall delts? That’s mostly what I remember from New Orleans. A super funny Filipino girl, a trip to Ann Rice’s house, and a HUGELY ROIDED OUT BLACK DUDE WITH SCARY ASS DELTS

Hawaii gave us Ruthie the alcoholic who went through rehab on the show, so yes, it was prrrrretty boozy.

Same here, or maybe it was the one that really only truly stuck with me. The only other season I remember tuning into religiously was New Orleans (I think the year after Seattle), but Seattle is the one I remember almost everything about.

It’s incredible to watch him verbally push himself down a rabbit hole of unconnected thoughts and concepts and rants. I love that he’s devolved to the point of yelling about [checks notes] WORDS.

We need more headlines about this. The only thing people should be saying about this man anymore is that he is senile and old and completely off the reservation.

He can ramble for an hour at a time, about literally nothing (his brain is a burnt outlet at this point), because his people let him. Because if you don’t he’ll have a complete meltdown and do something even more publicly embarrassing than his senile babel (see: yelling at someone for coughing).

“That’s the joke!” - Russia

I just realized after googling a little that it’s now 20 years old! And yes, it is hands down one of the greatest movies ever made, and this is my new favorite gif:

I know this article is a little misrepresentative of Biden’s argument, but the “boy” comment is so embarrassingly stupid and un-self aware. The former Vice President to the nation’s first black President, and Barack Obama’s “best friend” should have a lot more tact than that.

Yeah, his base doesn’t give a shit about his failings because they either don’t believe the news or don’t pay attention. This man is less of the president to them and more like an enigmatic cult leader. They don’t care that he never built them their wall; they don’t care that he never locked up Hillary; they don’t

Yep. If Trump legitimately loses this time it will be followed by months and months of court battles, riots, and rhetorical nightmares. It’s an outcome for which I’m dutifully praying to the god I don’t believe in, but don’t for a second think that Trump would leave the White House quietly.

“hooting piglets”

I like your optimism but I’m worried that it’s a little too optimistic:

This is what I’m saying. The only thing Trump’s enjoyed as president are his insane rallies. He doesn’t like being president; he likes campaigning to be president, and he has never fucking stopped. He’s the only president in history who spends his time in office acting like he’s still trying to get there.